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[vsnet-newvar 869] Nova Aql 2001: (fwd) spectroscopically confirmed

Nova Aql 2001: (fwd) spectroscopically confirmed

Date: Fri, 18 May 2001 09:14:42 +0100 (WET DST)
From: Mark Kidger <mrk@ll.iac.es>
Subject: Re: [vsnet-campaign 905] TAV J1907+117 = Possible Nova in Aql

This object is now confirmed spectrocopically as a nova. Chris Benn of
the Isaac Newton Grooup of Telescopes in La Palma took a spectrum on the
4.2-m William Herschel Telescope last night in response to a appeal from
Guy Hurst and confirmed that it has a classical nova spectrum. This i
Mikee Collin's first nova discovery.

Mark Kidger

On Fri, 18 May 2001, Taichi Kato wrote:

> TAV J1907+117 = Possible Nova in Aql
>    IAUC 7627 just announced the object as possible nova in Aquila.
> Regards,
> Taichi Kato

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