New variable Star discovered on stardial-CCD-images (HassfortherV19): 2000 171949.79 -051359.1 HassfortherV19 9.0-(11.5 I Mira 236d HassfortherV19 (2000) 17h19m49.788s -5d 13.9854 (from GSC) = GSC 5074-545 = IRAS 17171-0510 Checking 198 Stardial-images (123 detections) from 1996 to 2000 showed GSC 5074-545 to be a Mira-star. In the system of stardial (between R and I, but more I) the range is 9.0 to smaller then 11.5. The period is about 236 days. The last maxima was around 2451670. Comp star = GSC 5074-152 (BT=10.749 VT=10.161, V=10,10 B-V=0,54), adopted I = 8,97 (calibrated with TASS). Check Star = GSC 5074-549 (BT=10.613 VT=10.109, V=10,06 B-V=0,474), adopted I = 9,39 (calibrated with TASS). Lightcurve, map, color-picture (from POSS1 and POSS2, red and blue): Positve observations (in I) 50574,841 10,539 50583,81641 11,13 50584,81368 10,8195 50586,80822 10,5 50588,80275 10,841 50589,80002 10,926 50603,76179 10,445 50604,75906 10,504 50608,74815 10,5905 50609,74542 10,7125 50614,73176 11,293 50616,72631 10,3585 50623,70719 11,1695 50624,70446 9,948 50626,69899 10,0315 50627,69627 10,659 50630,68808 10,874 50631,68535 10,614 50632,68262 10,2005 50634,67715 10,054 50635,67442 9,9895 50640,66078 10,0545 50641,65804 10,225 50643,65258 10,265 50645,64712 10,1965 50654,62255 9,8545 50656,61708 10,0585 50657,61435 9,946 50659,60889 9,856 50660,60617 9,8435 50663,59797 9,9925 50666,58978 10,0685 50901,94539 9,959 50904,93721 9,9115 50908,92628 9,8345 50911,91809 9,833 50914,90991 9,547 50916,90444 9,9845 50921,89079 9,616 50923,88532 9,9635 50927,87441 10,1525 50930,86622 9,9125 50938,84438 10,161 50939,84164 9,835 50950,81161 9,975 50951,80888 10,8015 50952,80615 10,5275 50954,80068 10,258 50955,79795 10,1375 50961,78157 10,802 50963,77611 10,4985 50965,77065 10,942 50967,76519 10,861 51324,7877 10,849 51325,78497 11,081 51326,78223 11,8395 51334,76039 10,563 51335,75766 10,661 51336,75493 10,445 51338,74947 11,0015 51344,73309 10,989 51346,72763 10,2185 51347,7249 10,209 51349,71943 10,6255 51362,68394 9,8415 51363,6812 9,85 51364,67847 9,8455 51365,67575 10,174 51366,67302 9,816 51367,67029 9,8435 51370,66209 9,6715 51371,65936 9,6765 51372,65663 9,7025 51373,6539 9,9555 51374,65117 9,719 51375,64844 9,541 51376,64572 9,982 51378,64025 9,789 51389,61023 9,717 51390,60749 9,367 51392,60203 9,936 51394,59656 9,885 51395,59383 9,58 51632,94399 9,961 51639,92487 9,9655 51640,92215 9,7135 51643,91396 9,958 51646,90576 9,9865 51647,90303 10,17 51648,9003 9,889 51649,89757 10,223 51650,89484 10,02 51659,87027 9,834 51660,86753 9,8235 51662,86208 9,843 51664,85662 9,832 51666,85116 9,739 51667,84843 9,685 51669,84296 9,639 51670,84023 10,037 51675,82659 9,9415 51678,81839 10,0975 51679,81566 9,985 51680,81293 10,305 51688,79109 9,8095 51690,78562 9,7365 51694,7747 10,191 51696,76925 10,376 51697,76652 9,9915 51698,76378 9,6465 51699,76105 10,1335 51701,75559 9,7125 51702,75286 10,028 51704,7474 10,2135 51705,74466 9,9765 51717,71191 10,349 51718,70918 10,06 51725,69006 11,495 51726,68733 10,584 51732,67095 10,823 51733,66823 10,671 51741,64638 11 51742,64365 10,6015 Bela Hassforther, 29.12.2000