New variable star discovered on Stardial-CCD-images (HassfortherV16) 2000 190711.50 -041001.0 HassfortherV16 10.2-<12.0I M 2450700+300 HassfortherV16 (2000) 19h07m11.50 -04 10.017 = IRAS 19045-0414 Checking 206 Stardial-images from 1996 to 2000 showed IRAS 19045-0414 to be a Mira star. The period is about 300 days and the amplitude greater than 2 mag in I. The star is too faint to be measured on the stardial-images with MIRA, but there are clear Maxima around 2450700, 2451000 and 2450310. A check of the available TASS-measurements proofed the star (TASS J190711.5-041004) to be variable and the Maxima around 50700 and 51000. The USNO-A2.0 gives R=13.9 and B=17.6 for this star (0825-14497900). Lightcurve: Stardial: TASS: Bela Hassforther, 09.07.2000