The UCAC1 star 1UCAC22379323 is centred at RA2000 18h 32m 18.39s, Dec2000 -26d 30' 12.4" [see note below] the UCAC1 magntiude is 12.52; mean epoch of UCAC1 observations is given as 1999.451. pretty significant proper motions are given of RA 151+/-15 mas and Dec -68.5+/-19 mas [where mas = milliarcseconds. UCAC1 mags are in a passband that lives between Johnson V and R] No object appears in the 3rd Catalogue of Nearby Stars at this point. I have not checked traditional/classical proper motions catalogues. No proper motion solution is given in Tycho2, possibly due to nearby 8th mag star at around 82 arcsecs: this may be the main reason for the absence of this object in GSC. CDS Aladin's SIMBAD attachment reveals no object at this point. The VizieR attachment shows the Tycho2 and USNO A2 positions. More likely a dwarf than giant star: Tycho2 BT-VT of 0.318 is not very Mira-like. [Incidentally the nearby 8th mag star has UCAC1-Tycho_Vj of 0.2 and Tycho_Bj-Vj 0.7, so the above UCAC1 mag of 12.5 probably equates to Vj 12.3]. Finally, the DSS2 red image appears to have "ears". [NB re UCAC1 numbers: UCAC1 numbers are constructed from a zonal offset value and numeric position in each zone list added to that zone's offset, found from a look up table. This is quite simplistic and somewhat prone to accidental arithmetic error, which'd be embarrassing. The above UCAC1 number I derived by "eye": emphasis should be given more to the position, in case I made an error]. Cheers John