New variable star discovered on Stardial-CCD-images (HassfortherV14): 2000 191233.24 -030835.8 HassfortherV14 9.8-10.6I SR 200d: HassfortherV14 (2000) 19h12m33.235 -03 08.5968 = GSC 5133 2273 = IRAS 19099-0313 Checking 206 images from 1996 to 2000 showed GSC 5133 2273 to be a red semiregular variable star. The period may be in the order of 200 days. The amplitude reach 0.8 mag in the Stardial-System: red-filtered KAF0400). Differential Photometry was done with MIRA AP 6.03 with respect to GSC 5133 1535 (= Hipp 94300). The star ist very faint on the stardial-images, therefore the internal error is rather big. A check of the available TASS-measurements proofed the star to be variable with small amplitude (about 0.3 mag in I). Judging from the TASS-Photometry the star is very red: V = 13.94 (12 measurements) I = 9.39 (37 measurements) Lightcurve: Stardial: TASS: Bela Hassforther, 22.06.2000