Last April I sent out a list of candidate visible- or near-IR IDs for a list of carbon stars studied by Chen & Chen (2003AJ....125.2215C): As mentioned in that post, more definitive identifications awaited the advent of the complete 2MASS catalogue. I have now made that reassessment, and I show the results below. All but two of the IRAS objects are now quite securely identified in 2MASS and/or in Schmidt-survey plate-scan catalogues. Thus the present list completely supercedes the earlier one, which should now be disregarded. For many of the stars that were already found in Schmidt-plate catalogues the changes in position are trivial, but many new IDs are now made. Besides the catalogues, including the MSX surevy, quite a number of the objects were examined using DSS1/2 images and 2MASS J and K images via the Goddard SkyView utility. In this way several cases of spurious 2MASS catalogue entries were avoided, and several close pairs were sorted out. As in the comment to the original list, it seems likely that many of the candidate carbon stars are not in that class, but some other sort of very-red object (ordinary M giants, post-AGB stars, etc). I acknowledge correspondence with Jack MacConnell on this point (many of the stars are simply too faint even in the I-band to be visible on his far-red objective-prism plates, however). Similarly, though the paper is titled "Newly identified carbon stars...", quite a few were well-known before the paper was prepared. At minimum the list below provides accurate coordinates for a selection of IRAS sources. The source of the positions is shown by a letter code following the position. I also show rough magnitudes from Schmidt plates or from 2MASS, with the passband (V,R,I,J,K) as relevant. When a J- or K-band magnitude is shown, it should be inferred that the visible-light magnitude is fainter than R mag 19 or so. The stars are now arranged in strict RA order; "certain" carbon stars (Chen & Chen Table 2) are given as type 'C'; "possible" carbon stars (Table 3) as 'C:'; and "suspected" carbon stars (Table 4) as 'C?'. \Brian ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Improved coordinates and visible/near-IR identifications for some carbon-star candidates among IRAS sources version: 20 Aug 2003 source: 2003AJ....125.2215C CHEN P.-S. and CHEN W.-P. Astron. J., 125, 2215-2226 (2003) Newly identified carbon stars from the IRAS low-resolution spectra. position sources (column 's'): D DENIS (1999A&A...349..236E, b/denis) F USNO-Flagstaff transit circle (1999AJ....118.2488S, I/263) G GSC-ACT (1999GSCTy.C......0G, I/255) g GSC-2.2 (2001GSC2..C......0S, I/271) M 2MASS (II/246) U UCAC1 (2000AJ....120.2131Z, I/268) Name RA (J2000) Dec s mag spec remarks IRAS 00050+7357 0 07 43.06 +74 14 11.3 M 12.6 R C: IRAS 01022+6542 1 05 27.44 +65 58 59.6 g 14.5 R C: IRAS 01327+6503 1 36 16.69 +65 18 39.9 M 18.0 R C: IRAS 03156+5828 3 19 37.63 +58 39 46.6 M 15.8 R C IRAS 04297+2941 4 32 53.17 +29 48 04.7 M 17.2 R C IRAS 04340+4623 4 37 42.02 +46 29 30.8 M 8.0 K C IRAS 05261+4626 5 29 53.18 +46 28 53.8 M 19.5 R C IRAS 05342+4439 5 37 56.99 +44 41 00.1 M 14.4 R C IRAS 05521-2242 5 54 12.41 -22 41 47.4 U 10.0 R C IRAS 06196-2409 6 21 40.24 -24 11 25.8 M 15.5 R C IRAS 06242+2830 6 27 24.98 +28 28 26.7 M 10.5 K C: IRAS 06447+0817 6 47 24.97 +08 13 58.9 M 17.9 R C NSV 17188 IRAS 06585-4111 7 00 11.70 -41 15 58.5 U 12.7 R C IRAS 07036-2220 7 05 44.08 -22 25 07.8 M 17.4 R C IRAS 07085-0018 7 11 07.28 -00 23 12.6 M 18.8 R C IRAS 07113-0025 7 13 53.04 -00 30 59.6 F 14.9 R C CGCS 6208 IRAS 07439-3612 7 45 46.1 -36 19 51 D 10.1 K C: not in 2MASS IRAS 07593-1452 8 01 39.23 -15 01 00.5 M 10.0 R C IRAS 08017-3651 8 03 37.97 -37 00 24.7 M 17.4 R C IRAS 08107-3355 8 12 41.28 -34 04 59.5 M 13.9 R C IRAS 08151-3934 8 16 59.75 -39 43 41.4 M 10.0 K C: IRAS 08195-4027 8 21 16.88 -40 37 05.5 M 19.0 R C SWrn of 5" pair IRAS 08363-4837 8 37 55.60 -48 48 07.2 U 9.3 V C: CD-48 3960 IRAS 08546-4350 8 56 23.99 -44 02 30.8 M 18.0 R C IRAS 09006-5310 9 02 12.46 -53 21 58.4 M 17.4 R C IRAS 09088-5050 9 10 28.09 -51 02 31.8 M 14.5 R C IRAS 09238-5309 9 25 27.15 -53 22 41.2 M 10.4 K C IRAS 10130-5703 10 14 49.10 -57 18 44.6 M 14.7 R C IRAS 10239-5818 10 25 44.50 -58 33 52.2 U 10.8 V C: VV Cep-type? IRAS 10255-5559 10 27 26.94 -56 15 00.2 M 16.3 R C IRAS 10591-5848 11 01 15.49 -59 05 10.4 M 18.0 R C IRAS 11079-6211 11 10 03.77 -62 27 50.5 M 15.3 J C IRAS 11251-5946 11 27 26.08 -60 03 12.7 M 6.0 K C: IRAS 11496-6136 11 52 08.65 -61 53 42.1 M 12.3 J C IRAS 12139-6103 12 16 39.23 -61 20 23.3 M 7.6 K C? IRAS 12142-6410 12 16 59.50 -64 27 11.6 M 4.7 K C NWrn of close pair IRAS 12352-6317 12 38 10.26 -63 33 40.4 M 7.6 K C IRAS 12407-6234 12 43 43.75 -62 51 02.5 M 19.0 R C IRAS 12533-6118 12 56 26.52 -61 34 39.2 M 6.3 K C IRAS 13064-6433 13 09 40.87 -64 49 59.8 M 8.3 K C? IRAS 13366-6338 13 40 08.67 -63 54 02.8 G 11.0 R C: IRAS 14061-5839 14 09 38.73 -58 53 54.1 M 19.2 I C? IRAS 14063-6104 14 10 00.11 -61 18 49.3 M 8.7 K C: ID tentative IRAS 14358-6303 14 39 49.24 -63 16 05.0 M 5.4 K C crowded IRAS 14457-5836 14 49 30.65 -58 49 10.7 M 19.7 I C IRAS 15057-5934 15 09 40.69 -59 46 05.6 M 18.0 I C? ID tentative IRAS 15261-5702 15 30 01.91 -57 12 45.8 M 17.5 R C IRAS 15312-5821 15 35 18.08 -58 31 31.4 M 8.5 K C IRAS 16081-5042 16 11 55.81 -50 50 22.2 M 4.6 K C SErn of 10" pair IRAS 16136-5020 16 17 25.79 -50 27 20.8 M 7.6 K C? IRAS 16210-4957 16 24 46.45 -50 03 51.9 M 6.5 K C? IRAS 16229-4947 16 26 41.22 -49 54 27.4 M 7.9 K C: IRAS 16373-4732 16 41 01.82 -47 37 56.0 M 18.0 R C crowded IRAS 16409-4500 16 44 34.04 -45 05 45.5 M 16.8 R C IRAS 16455-4349 16 49 09.38 -43 54 53.9 M 7.5 K C? IRAS 16458-4425 16 49 26.22 -44 30 21.8 M 6.1 K C? IRAS 16473-4041 16 50 47.25 -40 46 13.2 U 15.0 R C IRAS 16567-2408 16 59 45.13 -24 12 48.9 M 16.5 R C: IRAS 16589-4024 17 02 27.67 -40 28 55.9 M 7.6 K C? SWrn of 4" pair IRAS 17092-3905 17 12 39.33 -39 09 21.9 M 16.0 R C IRAS 17120-3939 17 15 31.49 -39 43 08.8 M 16.7 R C IRAS 17151-3629 17 18 32.10 -36 32 28.0 M 19. R C IRAS 17199-3512 17 23 18.01 -35 15 37.6 M 5.5 K C IRAS 17252-3359 17 28 35.84 -34 01 23.8 M 18.9 I C: IRAS 17314-3314 17 34 42.33 -33 16 18.2 M 7.0 K C: IRAS 17594-1910 18 02 28.29 -19 10 25.0 U 10.8 R C: HD 312502 IRAS 18008-2840 18 04 02.06 -28 40 41.5 M 16.6 I C IRAS 18040-2028 18 07 03.90 -20 28 08.5 M 18.4 I C? IRAS 18110-1909 18 13 57.72 -19 08 24.4 U 14.1 R C IRAS 18111-1645 18 14 00.60 -16 44 18.9 M 6.5 K C? IRAS 18240+2326 18 26 05.84 +23 28 46.7 M 5.6 K C V1076 Her IRAS 18244-0815 18 27 07.48 -08 13 10.4 M 6.6 K C SErn of 2" pair IRAS 18250-1818 18 27 57.92 -18 16 08.5 M 16. R C crowded IRAS 18356-0951 18 38 25.01 -09 49 01.0 M 6.2 K C IRAS 18379-0417 18 40 33.87 -04 14 50.2 M 17.5 R C IRAS 18487+0135 18 51 15.41 +01 39 09.8 M 6.2 K C IRAS 18542+0430 18 56 43.35 +04 34 13.9 M 7.0 K C Wrn of 9" pair IRAS 19029+0839 19 05 21.20 +08 43 58.9 M 6.1 K C IRAS 19109+0657 19 13 24.34 +07 03 00.5 M 16. R C crowded IRAS 19118+1020 19 14 11.29 +10 25 51.6 M 18.4 R C: NWrn of 5" pair IRAS 19151+1037 19 17 29.63 +10 43 28.6 M 6.4 K C IRAS 19236+2404 19 25 45.89 +24 11 03.6 M 7.7 K C NErn of 3" pair IRAS 19240+2322 19 26 08.80 +23 28 48.6 M 6.7 K C: IRAS 19293+2002 19 31 29.32 +20 08 33.5 M 6.9 K C SWrn of 6" pair IRAS 19315+1807 19 33 46.02 +18 13 56.6 M 10.1 K C? IRAS 19317+2159 19 33 53.35 +22 05 56.0 M 7.2 K C IRAS 19363+2652 19 38 21.53 +26 59 09.0 M 18.5 R C crowded IRAS 19399+2404 19 42 03.01 +24 11 50.3 M 18.9 R C IRAS 19429+2721 19 44 56.90 +27 28 34.1 M 19.6 R C? IRAS 19455+2319 19 47 39.87 +23 26 39.2 M 12.6 R C not especially red IRAS 19470+2603 19 49 09.05 +26 11 11.1 M 7.4 K C Wrn of 6" pair IRAS 19485+3235 19 50 28.12 +32 43 31.8 M 10.4 K C IRAS 19535+2635 19 55 36.42 +26 43 01.9 M 19.2 R C IRAS position poor IRAS 19541+2807 19 56 10.87 +28 15 19.4 M 16.7 R C IRAS 20080+4022 20 09 49.71 +40 31 08.3 M 6.9 K C IRAS 20091+3645 20 10 59.26 +36 54 19.5 M 6.6 K C: IRAS 20108+3347 20 12 47.67 +33 56 38.8 M 13.8 R C IRAS 20159+3134 20 17 58.59 +31 44 15.9 M 6.4 K C IRAS 20185+3848 20 20 21.51 +38 58 31.1 M 18. R C IRAS 20228+3558 20 24 43.91 +36 08 15.8 M 4.8 K C IRAS 20333+3746 20 35 14.98 +37 57 16.3 M 19.7 R C IRAS 20340+5338 20 35 27.82 +53 49 22.7 M 15. R C NSV 25184 IRAS 20379+4036 20 39 47.55 +40 47 04.0 M 4.9 K C IRAS 20391+4023 20 40 58.43 +40 33 47.7 M 4.7 K C IRAS 20424+5921 20 43 36.88 +59 32 51.9 M 17.3 R C IRAS 21136+5705 21 15 02.55 +57 18 06.5 M 15. R C: IRAS 21167+5148 21 18 25.53 +52 01 19.2 M 9.2 K C: IRAS 21265+5042 21 28 13.66 +50 55 25.8 M 6.3 K C IRAS 22395+5831 22 41 30.70 +58 47 20.4 M 16.9 R C Srn of 5" trio IRAS 22562+6310 22 58 15.29 +63 26 34.9 M 17.4 R C IRAS 23086+6325 23 10 45.09 +63 42 10.0 M 16.5 R C: IRAS 23148+6836 23 16 49.40 +68 52 45.0 M 17.5 R C: IRAS 23183+6151 23 20 34.74 +62 08 11.3 M 19. R C: