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[vsnet-id-2mass 220] Re: [vsnet-unknown 15] re unknown 13 : AC Sco; AF Sco

Re: [vsnet-unknown 15] re unknown 13 : AC Sco; AF Sco

> A quick look for AC Sco reveals the image size is immense & seriously
> overexposed in _all_ bands! It could be difficult to give a true
> magnitude in such cases, and I believe there is an upper brightness
> limit to 2MASS due to such problems...
>   ...
> AF Sco appears to be an even worse case!  These stars are _red_!

   Okay, these two stars are completely lacking in USNO, so they look
likely to break the record of largest (2MASS)-(USNO) color indices ;-)

  [Since most of highly overexposed stars are recorded in 2MASS PSC,
there may be a special reason why these stars or fields were avoided
simply because of saturation].

Taichi Kato

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