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[vsnet-id-2mass 133] HadV64 : Another red 2MASS variable [also re NSV 8615]

HadV64 is 2MASS 1725116-173426 which has the bright Jmag of 7.8 and
Ks_mag 6.5, with a very red RED(usno_A2.0) - J colour of 7.0.

Nearby NSV 8615 is ROSS variable 366, and appears to be virtually due
north of HadV64. Examination of Ross' original work in his eighth list
of variables give 1875 epoch end figures of 24.9' declination, whereas
the 1875 position of HadV62 is 27.5' declination end figures... ...this
doesn't look like a typographic/transcripting error is at work here.

Ross' variables were incidental discoveries to his proper motion
studies, so you would probably expect a high degree of astrometric
accuracy.  However, I suppose there is the possibility of Ross only
measuring the relative displacement of objects on old and new plates,
and converting that directly into a proper motion based on plate scale,
without any reasonable absolute astrometry being involved [???????]


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