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[vsnet-id-2mass 38] New 2MASS selected variable in Auriga

2MASS 0537148+391632 = IRAS PSC 05337+3914 in Auriga is variable.

Descriptive images and dates given under the same subject heading are


where it can be seen to vary markedly in comparison to the adjacent
[bright] star GSC 2910 00060 of GSCmag 10.0.  It is far brighter than
this star in J, H and K bands.

2MASS data subsets for the 2nd incremental release can be obtained from


which has a powerful SQL engine [choose no co-ordinates, and make a
selection, but be careful, files can be very big.  Their is a STOP sign
link for these cases.  Just stop and redo with more stringent criteria].

2MASS images of the field can be obtained from


and archival red and blue survey plates of the region can be obtained


[ensure PIXELS dialogue is set to YES], though these are probably

Choose a field of view as small as 3' to 5'.

Views of a particular field and survey plate, complete with USNO A2, GSC
1.2, IRAS, NED and other overlays, plus overlaid/symbols info from the
myriad of miscellaneous catalogues in the SIMBAD server can be obtained
via the CDS websites Aladin server linked to at
http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/ .

Amateurs, or groups thereof, who are suitably equipped with internet
access, dark skies and sufficient telescope [only one person in a group
needs the net access] could use such facilities to identify a possible
variable, observer it for a season/year [dependant on object's local
altitude], amass their new observational data into a report in tandem
with their eliterature research, and possibly even present the whole as
an IBVS or professional paper at some future time.

This would be a first to last analysis, and would probably engender more
interest than the run of the mill observations [and make a change from

I present this new variable in Auriga to any such interested group: they
are welcome to follow it up in any way they wish.



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