From: "Miloslav Zejda" <> Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2002 20:15:38 +0100 Dear colleague! I wish you all the best in the year 2003!!! With best regards Miloslav Zejda PS: Let me announce the international conference on variable star research in memory of prof. Kopal 30.III.-3. IV. 2004 in Litomysl, CZ. The first announcement will be available in early February 2003. ******************************************************** Miloslav Zejda N. Copernicus Observatory and Planetarium in Brno (BRNO - Variable Star Section of the Czech Astronomical Society Kravi hora 2, 616 00 Brno, Czech Republic ------------------------------------------------------------------------- phone: 420+ 5 4132 1287 fax: 420+ 5 412 333 89