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[vsnet-chat 5476] UBVRI in IC 4665

     The list below shows coordinates and UBVRI photometry for stars in the
field of the large open cluster IC 4665.  Most of the data are from the work
of Menzies & Marang (1996MNRAS.282..313M).  They observed the stars on at least
three nights each from South Africa directly against Cousins E-region primary
standards.  The observations of the stars in SA 109 show how well they match
the Landolt system.
     For one IC 4665 stars and for two more in the near region, I show Landolt
data for comparison and to extend the standards collection.  L83a indicates
data from the main 1983 Landolt paper (1983AJ.....88..439L), L83b the
"equipment stability" paper (1983AJ.....88..853L), and L92 indicates the main
1992 standards paper (1992AJ....104..340L).



UBVRI primary and secondary standards among stars in IC 4665

source:  1996MNRAS.282..313M
         MENZIES J.W. and MARANG F.
         Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 282, 313-316 (1996)
         UBV(RI)c observations of Johnson's standard sequence in IC 4665.

version:  1 Sep 2002

Name               RA  (2000)  Dec       V      B-V    U-B    V-R    V-I
HD 161184       17 43 51.7 +05 50 42    8.043  0.065 -0.134  0.046  0.094
HD 161242       17 44 13.1 +05 15 02    7.806  1.280  1.100  0.671  1.303
HD 161261*      17 44 15.7 +05 42 52    8.282  0.050 -0.156  0.043  0.082
BD+05 3472      17 44 47.3 +05 12 13    9.659  1.274  1.068  0.680  1.327
HD 161370       17 45 00.9 +05 31 22    9.385  0.301  0.196  0.165  0.348
BD+05 3474      17 45 02.0 +05 50 02   10.206  1.294  1.268  0.678  1.293
HD 161426       17 45 17.3 +05 40 04    9.086  0.168  0.047  0.100  0.215
HD 161445       17 45 23.1 +05 33 46   10.092  0.119  0.026  0.083  0.160
HD 161480       17 45 33.7 +05 42 56    7.685  0.029 -0.397  0.031  0.066
HD 161481       17 45 34.8 +05 25 35    9.086  0.257  0.123  0.146  0.313
HD 161482       17 45 39.5 +05 11 53    9.849  0.383  0.203  0.216  0.464
HD 161542       17 45 55.2 +05 54 28    7.500  0.117  0.084  0.061  0.134
HD 161572       17 45 57.1 +05 41 40    7.586  0.004 -0.460  0.020  0.034
HD 161573       17 46 07.3 +05 31 49    6.849  0.016 -0.510  0.030  0.054
HD 161603       17 46 10.9 +05 39 30    7.342  0.015 -0.430  0.026  0.058
BD+05 3485      17 46 18.9 +05 56 07   10.605  0.438  0.149  0.257  0.532
HD 161621       17 46 26.8 +05 42 01    8.814  0.225  0.153  0.123  0.267
HD 161622       17 46 28.3 +05 23 48    7.937  0.455  0.000  0.267  0.534
BD+05 3489      17 46 33.8 +05 17 39   10.279  1.284  1.062  0.694  1.351
HD 161677       17 46 41.0 +05 46 27    7.123  0.018 -0.446  0.028  0.065
HD 161698       17 46 46.7 +05 33 54    8.207  0.110 -0.284  0.084  0.175
BD+05 3492      17 46 48.3 +05 11 54   10.674  0.575  0.361  0.328  0.684
HD 161734       17 46 57.8 +05 25 32    8.867  0.109 -0.255  0.086  0.177
HD 161733       17 47 02.2 +05 41 31    7.995  0.053 -0.406  0.047  0.096
AG+05 2335      17 47 03.0 +05 41 55   10.214  0.293  0.193  0.159  0.326
BD+05 3495      17 47 08.6 +05 13 31   10.742  0.368  0.232  0.198  0.433
BD+05 3496      17 47 07.6 +05 30 29    9.796  0.702  0.234  0.401  0.789
HD 161786       17 47 21.5 +05 45 34    9.848  0.234  0.144  0.132  0.280
HD 161820       17 47 29.0 +05 36 15    8.322  1.717  2.101  0.963  1.910
HD 161834       17 47 39.2 +05 06 59   10.194  0.270  0.202  0.145  0.309
HD 161867       17 47 48.5 +05 21 45    8.389  1.241  1.038  0.672  1.306
IC 4665 MM 32   17 47 55.7 +05 16 45   10.903  0.942  0.419  0.528  1.040
HD 161980       17 48 22.9 +05 18 36    8.948  1.250  1.074  0.660  1.267
HD 162028       17 48 43.4 +05 42 05    7.504  0.013 -0.379  0.019  0.038
HD 161223*      17 44 03.6 +06 03 43    7.421  0.332  0.147  0.209  0.447
                                        7.435  0.326  0.180  0.216  0.451  L83b
BD+06 3520      17 45 26.0 +05 59 18    9.772  0.563 -0.005  0.333  0.668
IC 4665 MM 37   17 45 29.0 +06 01 46   11.561  0.555  0.083  0.332  0.661
HD 161638       17 46 28.6 +06 14 08    7.882  1.035  0.768  0.539  1.041
HD 161660*      17 46 36.4 +06 07 14    7.758 -0.013 -0.510  0.022  0.033

nearby Landolt standards
HD 160233       17 38 40.6 +04 20 10    9.095 -0.054 -0.846 -0.003 -0.026  L83a
BD+04 3508      17 47 33.3 +04 50 20    9.326  1.753  2.077  0.974  1.874  L83a

SA 109 stars
HD 161961       17 48 36.9 -02 11 46    7.780  0.222 -0.691  0.147  0.309
                                        7.782  0.224 -0.747  0.143  0.306  L83a
HD 161304       17 44 50.7 -00 08 05    8.471  0.306  0.211  0.189  0.403
                                        8.477  0.305  0.243  0.187  0.396  L83a
BD-00 3353      17 45 20.0 -00 25 52    9.327  1.463  1.558  0.783  1.484
                                        9.332  1.462  1.593  0.785  1.492  L92
HD 161427       17 45 29.9 +00 04 12    9.010  0.806  0.362  0.452  0.872
                                        9.017  0.802  0.344  0.455  0.878  L83a

HD 161261   V2315 Oph.
HD 161223   V2314 Oph.
HD 161660   V2323 Oph.

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