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[vsnet-chat 5198] Comments on the current chart discussions

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to acknowledge and add to the current discussions about 
variable star charts. First, I second everything Mike Simonsen had to 
say on the subject. He has recently joined the AAVSO chart making group 
and knows everything that goes on both in front of and behind the 
scenes. I would also like make few short comments regarding the 
AAVSO's role, in particular:

   - We are in the process of making the AAVSO chart creation process
more transparent and open to the public. Visit http://charts.aavso.org
and click on "Current & Upcoming Projects" for detailed information on
what we are working on. Also, we publish chart project information in
our electronic publication Eyepiece Views. We will continue to find
more ways of making this process more public.

   - The AAVSO currently does have a project to create a database of
locations and magnitudes for all comparison stars on all AAVSO charts. 
When this database is completed it will be donated to the Global 
Sequence Database (GSD). Please note, the GSD is a collaboration of 
various international chart makers and is not under the control or 
authority of the AAVSO. 

   - This summer the AAVSO will be releasing the second Variable Star
Chart CD-ROM which will have hundreds of revised and also new
charts. The reason we have held back releasing these charts until the
CD-ROM is published is because we want to have a clear starting date
on the use of these charts.

   - The AAVSO will be having its Pan-Pacific 91st Spring Meeting in
the Big Island of Hawaii this summer (July 1 and 2).  During this
meeting, we will be holding an international chart discussion, open to
all attendees. We hope to have representatives from many chart making
variable star organizations around the world. For more information on
the Pan-Pacific AAVSO meeting, please visit our website at:


    We hope to see many of you there.

	Janet A. Mattei

Janet A. Mattei, Director                          
American Assoc. of Variable Star           Phone:        (617) 354-0484
               Observers (AAVSO)           fax  :        (617) 354-0665      
25 Birch Street                           e-mail:     jmattei@aavso.org      
Cambridge, MA  02138                                    aavso@aavso.org
USA                                       www   :  http://vsnet.aavso.org


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