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[vsnet-chat 3710] RE: re Delta Velorum

Hi, all:
            I disappeared for a liitle while because I needed to sleep!!
            That's true, Stan, there are slightly variable stars for comparison but that "slightly" is slightly enough for the observations to be good.
            When the star is out of the eclipse (at 1.94/ 1.96) I always use gamma Velorum and iota Carinae, taking a look at beta Carinae in case gam Vel has done something strange. There has never been a problem with that.
            When delta Velorum is in eclipse (2.2 / 2.3) the comparisons are gamma Centauri, iota Carinae, zeta Puppis and kappa Velorum.
            So there is not a big problem because gamma Vel ( the worst comparison) is not used during eclipses and can be changed for beta Car if something is wrong.
            The complete list is:
beta Car =     1.67
gamma Vel = 1.70 (v 1.68-1.75)
gamma Cen = 2.16
iota Car =       2.24 (v? 2.23-2.28)
zeta Pup =      2.25 (v 2.22-2.29)
kappa Vel=     2.49
The ranges are extreme values, so the "variable" comparison stars are usually less variable than that.
We have observers in South Africa, Australia and New Zeland and South America, so a complete coverage is possible and an intensive observing campaign should start before the November 1st event.
Hi Sebastian,

Some interesting observations here. Good to get on a rather wet day and
certainly no problems from this area about the attachments. They illustrated
your point well! Congratulations.

If Vela wasn't such an early morning object at the moment I'd have a look at
this one. What are your comparisons - I note that most of the stars around
that area are slightly variable anyway?


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