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[vsnet-chat 2911] Re: Brief IP outbursts

--- Alon Retter <ar@astro.keele.ac.uk> wrote: (in part) 
The full amplitude of the variation was ~0.03 mag, so I don't expect
that amateurs will be able to detect it. In addition, in outbursts, I
believe that it might be even more difficult to observe it due to the

While finding a 0.03 mag periodic variation in lots of noise may be
difficult, it certainly is not impossible. The variation in XTE
J1118+480 is only about twice that and it was immediately apparent in
its light curves - which have a lot of intrinsic scatter due to its
9.9 second flickering. By running a period finding routine (such as
is available from GEA in their AVE package) on the data you can find
those periodic variations. By phase averaging the data, you can
plainly see the nature of the variation. See the curves on my XTE
J1118+480 web page for an example.

DO LOOK for those periodic wobbles. While they may be more subtle
than being run over by a truck, you can find them!

Regards, Lew 
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