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[vsnet-chat 2737] BAAVSS www update 17

BAAVSS home pages           http://vsnet.telf-ast.demon.co.uk/
Update Notice No. 17        14 Mar 2000

The following items have been added since 15 Feb 2000;-

SW UMa: CCD time series : D G Buczynski
U Cep: Why Observe Eclipsing Variables? : Tony Markham

 New Current lightcurves;-
 RX And, DX And, FN And, TAV J0218+507 And, V1494 Aql, SS Aur
 TAV J0550+543 Aur, TAV0556+55 Aur, HL CMa, Z Cam, S5 0716+71 Cam, V362 Cep
 SY Cnc, YZ Cnc, AK Cnc, AT Cnc, SS Cyg, SN1999em Eri, IR Gem, J0712+296 Gem
 OI+158 Gem, X Leo, U Mon, CN Ori, CZ Ori, V1159 Ori, TZ Per, V513 Per
 NSV623 Per, V818 Sco, SU Tau, BW Tau, SW UMa, CY UMa, EI UMa, ER UMa, Z UMi
 3C279 Vir

 Long-term lightcurves updated;- 40
 Other detailed lightcurves;- 44

 Plus latest lists, observing totals, and other details
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