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[vsnet-chat 2531] Re: Questions on polarimetry

Re: [vsnet-chat 2529] Re: Questions on polarimetry

> Don't some (all?) intermediate polars have an accretion disc too, leading
> to DNe type outbursts (DO Dra as an example)?

   Yes, at least some of intermediate polars are observationally suggested
to have accretion disks, too.  But this is not the criterion separating
polars and intermediate polars (IPs).

   Whether outbursts of intermediate polars are caused by dwarf nova-type
disk instabilities is an interesting question.  Some of short-lived
IP-flares (as in observed in TV Col) have violent short-term variations
unlike dwarf nova outbursts.  They may be caused by the temporally increased
mass-accretion.  It would be interesting to consider about some extreme
objects, like EX Hya and AE Aqr (both of them were "classical" dwarf novae).

Taichi Kato

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