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[vsnet-chat 2440] NGC 3184 sequence corrected

     Janet Mattei has kindly pointed out that the Corwin sequence for NGC 3184
I sent a bit ago was garbled.  The correct values are shown below.  On
reinspection, it appears the VRI colors for both the fainter stars are rather
poor, so I have omitted them.  Sorry for the goof.
     Janet also notes that the bright red "30" star on the T&B chart
(HD 89053 = GP UMa) is actually about mag. 6.5.


Name                  RA  (2000)  Dec    s     GSC       V    B-V   V-R   V-I
NGC 3184 A         10 18 16.4  +41 27 15 G  3004-0998  11.99  0.58  0.33  0.65 
NGC 3184 B         10 18 19.9  +41 25 44 G  3004-0774  15.66  0.69
NGC 3184 C         10 18 03.8  +41 23 49 A             15.81  0.66

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