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[vsnet-chat 1502] ubvri photometry, part 2

I've uploaded to
the latest incarnation of my personal photometry file.  Like the previous
file, this one contains stars observed with the 1.0-m telescope in at
least B & V (and often BVRI) with errors in V and (B-V) less than 0.05mag.
The current catalog covers the last 3.5 years and contains 40590 stars
(culled from a master list of 291K stars).  I'm slowly working my way
backwards through my CDs and expect this list to about double by the
time I am through (early next year).  For example, there are many fields
that I only observed once and are therefore removed from this culled list,
even though the photometry would be good enough for most visual use.
Likewise, there are some fields where a poor night got mistakenly included
(and therefore increased the photometric errors), and others that have V&I
photometry but not B, and again were removed from this compilation.
As before, you are welcome to personal use of this list, but must contact
me before using the photometry in any refereed journal.

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