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[vsnet-chart-problem 8] (fwd) Re: GK Per 118 S COMP

(fwd) Re: GK Per 118 S COMP

Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 13:59:26 -1000 (HST)
From: Michael Linnolt <linnolt@hawaii.edu>
Subject: [vsnet-chat 5232] Re: GK Per 118 S COMP

On Mon, 11 Mar 2002, Brian Skiff wrote:

>      Sometimes there is a color-dependence, and other times not, depending
> on the field involved.  I don't have the numbers in front of me, but
> I don't recall noticing a color-dependence for the GK Per field (or not
> one obvious compared to the internal scatter of the GSC magnitudes).
> Perhaps it would be worth looking at again.  On the other hand, if the
> 118 S star is useful for observers, someone should simply measure it
> properly.

Being that this is the only star reasonably nearby to GK Per in the mid-11
mag range, I bet a lot of observers are using it now, and consequently a
lot of estimates are coming in too faint. Someone should do quality
photometry on this one ASAP. I have been using it as a reference visually
at mag 11.5 (my own estimate!)

Mike Linnolt (LMK)

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