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[vsnet-campaign 1313] VSNET Weekly Campaign Summary

VSNET Weekly Campaign Summary

*** Last week news ***

(new targets)
  V4641 Sgr		(RA = 18h19m21s.6, Dec = -25d24'25")

    On May 19, R. Stubbings reported that the microquasar 
  (galactic jet source) V4641 Sgr was brightening to 11.5mag 
  (vsnet-campaign-xray 140).  The object underwent a giant 
  outburst in 1999 September, preceded by optical brightening 
  (vsnet-campaign-xray 141, vsnet-campaign-news 152, 
  vsnet-campaign-v4641sgr 1).  The object was then reported to 
  faded to 12th mag on May 20 (vsnet-campaign-v4641sgr 2, 4, 5, 7).
  C. Bailyn reported that the V-band magnitude is 2.1 magnitudes 
  brighter than quiescence (vsnet-campaign-v4641sgr 6).
  M. Linnolt reported on May 21 that the object varied chaotically 
  from mag 12.5 to 12.8 with a "period" of just a few seconds 
  (vsnet-campaign-v4641sgr 8).  
    The duration of the outburst in 1999 was so short (< 1 day 
  in X-ray) that the close monitoring is encouraged.

  V344 Lyr		(RA = 18h44m31s.80, Dec = +43d22'10".2)

    As reported by M. Simonsen, the SU UMa-type dwarf nova V344 Lyr 
  experienced an outburst of 14.1mag on May 15 (vsnet-campaign-dn 2407).
  The outburst seems to be a superoutburst (vsnet-campaign-dn 2431).

  SN 2002ct		(RA = 12h47m22s.53, Dec = +28d00'13".9)

    SN 2002ct was discovered by the LOTOSS team on images taken 
  on May 10 and 12.  The host galaxy of SN 2002ct is 2MASXi 
  J1247215+280021 = [KK90] 122, which seems to be located at some 
  beyond the Coma cluster.  The expected maximum for typical SN Ia 
  is mag about 17 (vsnet-campaign-sn 425).

  SN 2002cu		(RA = 18h10m50s.40, Dec = +31d06'32".3)

    SN 2002cu was discovered by the LOTOSS team on images taken 
  on May 11 and 12.  The host galaxy of SN 2002cu is NGC 6575,  
  an elliptical galaxy at low Galactic latitude (b=21.7o).  
  The CfA team has revealed that it is of type Ia near maximum on 
  May 13.45 (vsnet-campaign-sn 425).

  TK5                   (RA = 19h17m26s.5, Dec = +37d10'41")

    A possible outburst (16.0: mag) was reported on May 14
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 2414).

  AH Her		(RA = 16h44m09s.99, Dec = +25d15'02".1)

    The object entered a standstill (vsnet-campaign-dn 2424).

  1ES1959+650		(RA = 19h59m59s.8, Dec = +65d08'54")

    According to IAUC No. 7903, the BL Lac object 1ES1959+650 
  is strongly detected in TeV gamma rays (vsnet-campaign-blazar 263).

  V844 Her		(RA = 16h25m01s.69, Dec = +39d09'25".9)

    H. McGee reported on May 18 that this short-period (Psh=0.05592 d) 
  SU UMa-type dwarf nova is undergoing an outburst (12.5mag).  The 
  last confirmed outburst was in 2001 August, and a possible 
  unconfirmed sighting in 2002 February at 13.5.  T. Kato commented 
  that the object resembles SW UMa in its outburst pattern, and further 
  detailed observations are strongly encouraged (vsnet-campaign-dn 2426).
  The outburst still continues (vsnet-campaign-dn 2432, 2436).

  OY Car		(RA = 10h06m22s.46, Dec = -70d14'04".4)

    An outburst, which was first detected by R. Stubbings at 
  12.4mag on May 17, continued on May 18, indicating that it seems 
  to be a superoutburst (vsnet-campaign-dn 2422, 2427).  
  The superoutburst is now ongoing (vsnet-campaign-dn 2433).

  FH Sct		(RA = 18h45m14s.82, Dec = 09d25'35".5)

    The object again faded to 14.0V mag, according to the S. O'Connor's 
  observation on May 4 (vsnet-campaign-rcb 35, 36).

  SN 2002cw		(RA = 18h46m02s.40, Dec = +32d17'03".2)

    SN 2002cw was discovered by the LOTOSS team on an image taken 
  on May 16.  The host galaxy of SN 2002cw is NGC 6700, whose 
  galactic latitude is somewhat low (b = 15o.1).  The expected 
  maximum for typical SN Ia is mag about 16.0 (vsnet-campaign-sn 427).
  The UCB team has revealed that it is of type Ib SN, a few weeks 
  after the explosion on May 18 UT (IAUC 7905)(vsnet-campaign-sn 429).

  SN 2002cx		(RA = 13h13m49s.72, Dec = +06d57'31".9)

    SN 2002cx was discovered by W. M. Wood-Vasay et al. on May 12.
  The host galaxy of SN 2002cx is CGCG 044-035, which is a member 
  of a group WBL 435.  The spectrum taken by the CfA team on May 17 
  shows that it is a peculiar SN Ia before maximum light.  It resembles 
  that of SN 1991T a week before maximum, which was intrinsically 
  bright SN Ia (~1 mag than normal one).  The expected maximum for 
  typical SN Ia is mag about 16.5 (vsnet-campaign-sn 427).

  V1363 Cyg		(RA = 20h06m11s.58, Dec = +33d42'37".7)

    M. Simonsen reported a possible outburst (14.8mag) of an 
  unknown-type CV on May 21 (vsnet-campaign-dn 2438).

(continuous targets) 
  IY UMa		(RA = 10h43m56s.87, Dec = +58d07'32".5)

    The superoutburst is still ongoing (vsnet-campaign-dn 2406, 
  2411, 2415, 2420).  The light curve on May 11-13 show superhumps 
  with the period of 0.07584(4) d.  It indicates that the period 
  was decreasing at that time (vsnet-campaign-dn 2405).  On May 17, 
  the light curve shows "triple" humps which may come from ordinary 
  superhumps and late superhumps (vsnet-campaign-dn 2418).  
  On May 19, the superhumps was doubly peaked, but the secondary 
  maxima seem to occur earlier than what are expected for late 
  superhumps (vsnet-campaign-dn 2434).

  SN 2002cr		(RA = 14h06m37s.59, Dec = -05d26'21".9)

    The object is now around the maximum (vsnet-campaign-sn 426).

  IM Nor		(RA = 15h39m26s.47, Dec = -52d19'18".2)

    The object is still in the smooth fading (vsnet-campaign-nova 933).

  V1039 Cen             (RA = 13h55m41s.27, De = -64d15'57".9)

    The object still shows oscillations in brightness 
  (vsnet-campaign-nova 932).

  V503 Cyg		(RA = 20h27m15s.61, Dec = +43d41'45".5)

    The superoutburst continues (vsnet-campaign-dn 2416).
  The observation on May 21 by M. Simonsen (14.5mag) may be a 
  rebrightening (vsnet-campaign-dn 2439).

  CR Boo		(RA = 13h48m55s.42, Dec = +07d57'30".3)

    The object was reported to still remain at the bright state 
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 2412, 2421).

  delta Sco		(RA = 16h00m19s.9, Dec = -22d37'17")

    S. Otero reported 1.76mag on May 19 (vsnet-campaign-be 184).

  V803 Cen		(RA = 13h23m44s.5, Dec = -41d44'30".1)

    A new outburst (13.6mag) occurred on May 18 (vsnet-campaign-dn 2428).
  The object again faded on May 19 (vsnet-campaign-dn 2437).

  V893 Sco		(RA = 16h14m45s.26, Dec = -28d39'30".3)

    A relatively bright outburst (12.4mag) was reported on May 15  
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 2409), and then the object started fading 
  on May 16 (vsnet-campaign-dn 2417).

  V2540 Oph             (RA = 17h37m34s.36  Dec = -16d23'18".4)

    The oscillations was likely less prominent (vsnet-campaign-nova 934).
  On May 17, a relatively large-amplitude brightening (to 8.9mag) 
  was reported (vsnet-campaign-nova 935).

  V2051 Oph		(RA = 17h08m19.1s, Dec = -25d48m31.1s)

    The unusual prolonged outburst still continues 
  (vsnet-campaign-v2051oph 14, 15, 16, 17, vsnet-campaign-dn 2419).

  IX Dra		(RA = 18h12m32s.2, Dec = +67d04'41")

    An outburst (14.9mag) was reported on May 14 (vsnet-campaign-dn 2408).
  The outburst has continues on May 15-18 (vsnet-campaign-dn 2430).

  UW Cen		(RA = 12h43m16s.6, Dec = -54d31'37") 
    The object was reported to faded again (<14.5mag) on May 18 
  (vsnet-campaign-rcb 37).

  UX Ant		(RA = 10h57m09s.03, Dec = -37d23'55".8)

    The object is still in the deep minimum (vsnet-campaign-rcb 34).

  OQ Car		(RA = 09h55m58s.70, Dec = -68d09'41".7)

    As reported by R. Stubbings on May 13, the object experienced 
  an outburst (14.4mag) again (vsnet-campaign-dn 2403).

  ST Cha		(RA = 10h47m31s.3, Dec = -79d27'17")

    The object is reported to be in a standstill (vsnet-campaign-dn 2429).

  BF Ara		(RA = 17h38m10s.40, Dec = -47d10'43".4)

    The object experienced an outburst (14.1mag) on May 15 
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 2413).  The object is still in outburst 
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 2425).

*** Future schedule ***

	34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly
	10th to 12th October 2002 - Houston, Texas
	For more information, visit the session website:
					[vsnet-campaign-xray 124]
					[vsnet-campaign-agn 2]
					[vsnet-campaign-xray 133]
	22-26 April 2003, Valencia, Spain
	Web site: http://vsnet.uv.es/2003supernovae/
					[vsnet-campaign-sn 342]

	Main Scientific Organizer (MSO): 
	Elena Pian - INAF, Astronomical Observatory of Trieste, Italy - 
					[vsnet-campaign-grb 1]

	Sendai, Japan: May 13-16, 2002
	contact to: Dr. M. Seki or wsloc@astr.tohoku.ac.jp
					[vsnet-campaign-mira 3]

  International Conference on Classical Nova Explosions
	 Sitges (Barcelona), Spain: 20-24 May 2002
    For more detailed information, see http://vsnet.ieec.fcr.es/novaconf
					[vsnet-campaign-nova 643]
					[vsnet-campaign-nova 666]

  Blazar meeting at Tuorla: June 17-21, 2002
	for more information, see http://vsnet.astro.utu.fi/blazar02
					[vsnet-campaign-blazar 232]

*** General information ***

  IY UMa
    Light curve observed at Ouda observatory:
					[vsnet-campaign-dn 2402]
    Eclipse ephemeris, see [vsnet-campaign-dn 2435]

  UX UMa
    Observations from M. Koppelman, see [vsnet-campaign-data 95]

  V893 Sco
    Eclipse ephemeris, see [vsnet-campaign-dn 2410]

  OY Car
    Eclipse ephemeris, see [vsnet-campaign-dn 2423]

  V4641 Sgr
    References, see [vsnet-campaign-v4641sgr 3]

  V838 Mon
    Preprint by U. Munari et al., see [vsnet-campaign-v838mon 370]

  LX Ser
    Observations from M. Koppelman, see [vsnet-campaign-data 96]

  V2051 Oph
    Eclipse ephemeris, see [vsnet-campaign-v2051oph 18]

  V1363 Cyg
    Chart presented by M. Simonsen:
					[vsnet-campaign-dn 2440]
    VSNET page:
					[vsnet-campaign-dn 2441]

(This summary can be cited.)	

Makoto Uemura

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