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[vsnet-campaign 1300] VSNET Weekly Campaign Summary

VSNET Weekly Campaign Summary

*** Last week news ***

(new targets)
  SN 2002bs		(RA = 13h18m30s.30, Dec = -14d36'31".8)

    According to IAUC 7861, J. Y. Wei et al., Beijing Astronomical 
  Observatory team, discovered an apparent supernova on images 
  taken on Mar. 11.73 (mag about 15.5) and 23.73 UT (mag about 14.1). 
  IC 4221, the host galaxy of SN 2002bs, is a somewhat odd-shaped
  spiral galaxy.  The new object is just superimposed on the nucleus.  
  It is SN Ia around maximum on Mar. 26.67 (vsnet-campaign-sn 386).

  SN 2002bu		(RA = 12h17m37s.18, Dec = +45d38'47".4)

    SN 2002bu was discovered at 15.5mag on Mar. 28.26 UT at Puckett 
  Observatory.  The position of the SN is about 73" east and 98" 
  north of the center of the somewhat irregular-shaped galaxy 
  NGC 4242.  NGC 4242 is a member of a nearby group of galaxy called 
  "Canes Venatici II cloud", whose mean redshift is about 750 km/s.
  The expected maximum for the typical SN Ia is mag about 11.7, 
  and even if it is of type-II, it can become brighter than mag 14 
  (vsnet-campaign-sn 387).  K. Ayani, T. Kawabata, and H. Yamaoka 
  performed spectroscopy and reported that it shows a flat continuum 
  with strong and narrow Balmar emission lines, which indicates that 
  it is of type IIn (vsnet-campaign-sn 391).  The object is now at 
  about 15.3-15.5C mag (vsnet-campaign-sn 388, 390).  

  CP Dra		(RA = 10h15m39s.88, Dec = +73d26'05".4)

    J. Pietz detected an outburst (15.3mag) of this long-period 
  SU UMa-type dwarf nova on March 27.  He also detected a superhump 
  with an amplitude of 0.2-0.25mag on March 28.  The Kyoto team 
  confirmed the outburst and an evolved superhump with an amplitude 
  of 0.4mag on March 31.  The last superoutburst occurred in 2001 
  February (vsnet-campaign-dn 2213, 2216).  The superoutburst is 
  now ongoing (vsnet-campaign-dn 2214).

  Nova Aql 1985		(RA = 19h02m14s.45, Dec = +13d03'04".4)

    According to IBVS No. 5246, a missed (likely) nova was 
  discovered from photographs taken in 1985.  The object was 9.65pv 
  mag at maximum and 18.6:r mag at quiescence.  Since the outburst 
  amplitude seems to be rather small for this fast nova (might be a 
  recurrent nova candidate), a further search for archival 
  plates/images might be meaningful (vsnet-campaign-nova 892).

  RX J0558.3+6735	(RA = 05h58m18s.0, Dec = +67d53'45")

    According to P. A. Dubovsky (vsnet-obs 39223), the 
  ROSAT-selected cataclysmic variable RX J0558.3+6753 is undergoing 
  a bright outburst (mv=13.9 on Mar. 31.839 UT).  The 2001 outburst 
  apparently quickly faded (vsnet-campaign-dn 2217, 2221).
  P. A. Dubovsky reported that the last outburst (13.9mag) 
  occurred in 2002 February (vsnet-campaign-dn 2222).

(continuous targets) 
  CI UMa		(RA = 10h18m13s.01, Dec = +71d55'42".8)

    The possible superoutbust still continues.  The object was 
  reported to be 14.8:mag on March 31 (vsnet-campaign-dn 2218).

  CR Boo		(RA = 13h48m55s.42, Dec = +07d57'30".3)

    The Kyoto team reported that the object had remained at 13.6mag 
  without fading since March 21.  Such a state without fading is 
  rather atypical for superoutbursts and is difficult to be explained 
  with the disk-instability model for dwarf nova outbursts 
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 2215).  The object began fading on March 30.  
  The atypical plateau lasted for, at least 7 days 
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 2223).

  SN 2002bo		(RA = 10h18m06s.51, Dec = +21d49'41".7)

    The object is still in a bright maximum at ~13.8-14.0mag 
  (vsnet-campaign-sn 389).

  GK Per		(RA = 03h31m12s.50, Dec = +43d54'17".8)

    The object started brightening at a roughly constant rate of 
  0.05mag/d since March 15 (vsnet-campaign-gkper 70, 71, 73, 76).
  M. Uemura reported that the 0.006-0.008 d periodicity appeared 
  to weaken since March 25 while the spin periodicity (~0.004 d) 
  and 0.0525-d one are still evident (vsnet-campaign-gkper 72, 74). 
  The 0.0525-d modulations seem to have highly variable profiles 
  in each cycle, but have high coherent period (vsnet-campaign-gkper 
  74, 75).

  SN 2002ap		(RA = 01h36m23s.85, Dec = +15d45'13".0)

    A. Gal-Yam et al. estimated the peak time of U- and B-band 
  flux of SN 2002ap, and reported that the GRB trigger might occur 
  before January 21 and is likely to have been missed by Hurley et al. 
  (GCN 1252) (vsnet-campaign-sn2002ap 200).

  V803 Cen		(RA = 13h23m44s.5, Dec = -41d44'30".1)

    The fading from the last bright outburst was terminated by 
  a new outburst (13.4-13.6mag) on April 1 detected by R. Stubbings 
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 2219).

  V2540 Oph		(RA = 17h37m34s.36  Dec = -16d23'18".4)

    O. Pejcha reported a significant brightening from V=9.62 on 
  March 30 to V=8.96 on March 31 (vsnet-campaign-nova 893).

  V838 Mon		(RA = 07h04m04s.816, Dec = -03d50'50".94)

    The object almost remains at about 7.8mag during this week 
  (vsnet-campaign-v838mon 307, 308, 310, 315, 316, 318).  A possible 
  rising was indicated by some reported observations on March 30-31 
  (vsnet-campaign-v838mon 317).   V. P. Goranskij reported that 
  Nova 1988 V1006/7 in M31 showed a spectrum which is quite similar 
  to that of V838 Mon (vsnet-campaign-v838mon 309).  A. Henden 
  reported that the object has faded a bit in the blue, the nebular 
  shell surrounding it (cf IAUC 7859) is becoming more visible 
  (vsnet-campaign-v838mon 311, 312, 313, 314).

  HL CMa		(RA = 06h45m17s.0, Dec = -16d51'35")

    A possible small outburst was reported on March 30 
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 2220).

*** Future schedule ***
	34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly
	10th to 12th October 2002 - Houston, Texas
	For more information, visit the session website:
					[vsnet-campaign-xray 124]
					[vsnet-campaign-agn 2]
	22-26 April 2003, Valencia, Spain
	Web site: http://vsnet.uv.es/2003supernovae/
					[vsnet-campaign-sn 342]

	Main Scientific Organizer (MSO): 
	Elena Pian - INAF, Astronomical Observatory of Trieste, Italy - 
					[vsnet-campaign-grb 1]

	Sendai, Japan: May 13-16, 2002
	contact to: Dr. M. Seki or wsloc@astr.tohoku.ac.jp
					[vsnet-campaign-mira 3]

  International Conference on Classical Nova Explosions
	 Sitges (Barcelona), Spain: 20-24 May 2002
    For more detailed information, see http://vsnet.ieec.fcr.es/novaconf
					[vsnet-campaign-nova 643]
					[vsnet-campaign-nova 666]

  Blazar meeting at Tuorla: June 17-21, 2002
	for more information, see http://vsnet.astro.utu.fi/blazar02
					[vsnet-campaign-blazar 232]

*** General information ***

  V838 Mon
    U-band image taken by A. Henden:
					[vsnet-campaign-v838mon 311]
    Spectroscopic monitoring:
					[vsnet-campaign-v838mon 319]

(This summary can be cited.)	

Makoto Uemura

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