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[vsnet-campaign 1299] VSNET Weekly Campaign Summary

VSNET Weekly Campaign Summary

*** Last week news ***

(new targets)
  XTE J1908+094		(RA = 19h08m50s, Dec = +09d22'.5)

    According to IAUC 7856, Woods et al. reported a new X-ray 
  transient on Feb. 21.  The analysis of the X-ray properties 
  suggests that the object is a new blackhole candidate 
  (vsnet-campaign-xray 126).  To search its optical and infrared 
  counterpart is encouraged.  

  QW Ser		(RA = 15h26m13s.99, Dec = +08d18'03".8)

    As reported by R. Stubbings on March 21, the SU UMa-type dwarf 
  nova QW Ser experienced an outburst.  The reported magnitude 
  (13.1mag) is slightly fainter than those of past superoutburst 
  maxima (vsnet-campaign-dn 2196).  The object faded rapidly, which 
  indicates the outburst was a normal one (vsnet-campaign-dn 2201, 

  MKN 421		(RA = 11h04m27s, Dec = +38d12'32")

    As reported by M. Simonsen on March 23, the object experienced 
  an outburst of 12.5mag (vsnet-campaign-blazar 255).

  IR Gem		(RA = 06h47m34s.58, Dec = +28d06'22".7)
    The object was reported to be in a possible superoutburst 
  reaching 11.6mag on March 20 (vsnet-campaign-dn 2198).

  U Mon			(RA = 07h30m47s.45, Dec = -09d46'36".9)

    This RV Tau-type star was in an interchanged primary minimum 
  (~7mag) on March 16 (vsnet-campaign-rvtau 1).  On interchanged 
  minima I and II in RV Tau stars, T. Kato commented that R Sct 
  frequently shows consecutive minima II (vsnet-campaign-rvtau 2).  
  T. Ishida commented that deterministic system with unpredictable 
  behavior (so-called "Chaos") is one of the possible cause of such 
  an irregularity (vsnet-campaign-rvtau 3).

  KS UMa		(RA = 10h20m26s.54, Dec = +53d04'33".5)

    An outburst of 14.4mag was detected on March 13 by P. A. 
  Dubovsky and G. Poyner.  It seems to be a normal outburst 
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 2186).

  V818 Sco		(RA = 16h19m55s.07, Dec = -15d38'24".5)

    The object is now bright.  B. Monard reported 12.0mag on 
  March 18 (vsnet-campaign-xray 125).

  AM Cas		(RA = 02h26m23s.40, Dec = +71d18'32".3)

    The object experienced an outburst and reached 13.8mag on 
  March 17.  This star shows rather irregular variations during 
  the past few months (vsnet-campaign-dn 2190).

  DY Per		(RA = 02h35m17s.12, Dec = +56d08'44".7)

    The object further faded to 12th mag (vsnet-campaign-rcb 20, 21).

  NY Ser		(RA = 15h13m02s.39, Dec = +23d15'07".1)

    NY Ser, a long period SU UMa star, experienced an outburst 
  which was reported by M. Simonsen on March 22 at 14.6mag 
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 2202).  The object was reported to remain the 
  same magnitude on March 23 (vsnet-campaign-dn 2205).

  CI UMa		(RA = 10h18m13s.01, Dec = +71d55'42".8)

    As reported by M. Simonsen on March 23, the SU UMa-type dwarf  
  nova CI UMa is in outburst.  The last superoutburst was in 2001 
  November (vsnet-campaign-dn 2203).  The outburst is now ongoing 
  and it is now about 13.8-13.9mag (vsnet-campaign-dn 2209). 

(continuous targets) 
  OJ287                 (RA = 08h51m57s, Dec = 20d17'59")

    The object is now brightening and has reached 14.5mag 
  (vsnet-campaign-blazar 256).

  GZ Cnc		(RA = 09h15m51s.70, Dec = +09d00'50".2)

    The object faded from the last normal outburst 
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 2191).

  CR Boo		(RA = 13h48m55s.42, Dec = +07d57'30".3)

    The last outburst faded around March 13 (vsnet-campaign-dn 2188).
  A new outburst, reported by M. Simonsen on March 22, still 
  continues (vsnet-campaign-dn 2207).

  1RXP J113123+4322.5	(RA = 11h31m22s.426, Dec = +43d22'38".51)

    The object entered a rapid fading on March 15-16.  M. Uemura 
  reported that the average superhump period during the plateau 
  phase is 0.065069(4)d.  The rapid fading stopped when the object 
  became ~2mag fainter and still above the quiescent level.  
  During March 16-17, the object gradually faded at a rate of 
  0.1mag/d.  In conjunction with the short period and the period 
  increase of superhumps, this phenomenon is similar to large-
  amplitude SU UMa-type dwarf novae (vsnet-campaign-dn 2192).  
  During the post-outburst phase, the Kyoto team detected humps 
  with two peaks: one was probably associated with ordinary 
  superhumps (amplitude ~0.1mag), and the other was late superhumps 
  (~0.5mag) (vsnet-campaign-dn 2193).  Their period was 0.06448(5) d, 
  shorter than that observed during the superoutburst 
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 2195).  The gradual fading is still ongoing 
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 2211, 2212).

  SN 2002bo		(RA = 10h18m06s.51, Dec = +21d49'41".7)

    The brightening continues.  It has reached 13.9mag 
  (vsnet-campaign-sn 382, 383, 384, 385).

  Nova LMC 2002
			(RA = 05h36m46s.4, Dec = -71d35'35".34)
    The object is fading now (vsnet-campaign-nova 885, 889).

  AX Per		(RA = 01h36m22s.72, Dec = +54d15'02".7)

    The object is now in an eclipse (vsnet-campaign-symbio 12).

  GK Per		(RA = 03h31m12s.50, Dec = +43d54'17".8)

    The object is still in rising, and some observations show 
  that it has entered 10th mag (vsnet-campaign-gkper 59, 61, 63, 
  64, 65, 66, 67, 68).  The observations by the Kyoto team revealed 
  that the object brightened at a rate of 0.05mag/d since March 16 
  while it was relatively calm before March 15.  The long-term 
  (P~0.0525d) and short-term (0.005-0.007d) modulations have 
  continuously appeared (vsnet-campaign-gkper 60, 62, 69).

  SN 2002ap		(RA = 01h36m23s.85, Dec = +15d45'13".0)

    The object is gradually fading (vsnet-campaign-sn 197, 198, 199).

  V803 Cen		(RA = 13h23m44s.5, Dec = -41d44'30".1)

    The object was faint until March 21 when R. Stubbings detected 
  a bright outburst to 12.6mag (vsnet-campaign-dn 2187, 2197).
  The outburst continues (vsnet-campaign-dn 2200, 2204, 2208).

  V2540 Oph		(RA = 17h37m34s.36  Dec = -16d23'18".4)

    The object stated fading after the strong oscillation 
  (vsnet-campaign-nova 887, 888).

  V838 Mon		(RA = 07h04m04s.816, Dec = -03d50'50".94)

    The slow fading continues (vsnet-campaign-v838mon 292, 293, 
  294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299).  The fading rate appears to become 
  more gradual since March 21-22 (vsnet-campaign-v838mon 301, 302,   
  303, 304).  The object is now at about 8mag and the fading almost 
  stopped (vsnet-campaignv838mon 305).

  V4740 Sgr		(RA = 18h11m45s.82, Dec = -30d30'49".9)

    D. West reported revised photometry using Tycho-2 catalogue 
  and showed V-Ic <= 0, indicating very blue for a nova 
  (vsnet-campaign-nova 883).

  chi Cyg		(RA = 19h50m33s.9, Dec = +32d54'50")

    The object is now fading from the bright maximum 
  (vsnet-campaign-mira 22).

  delta Sco		(RA = 16h00m19s.9, Dec = -22d37'17")

    The bright state continues (vsnet-campaign-be 178).

  IM Nor		(RA = 15h39m26s.47, Dec = -52d19'18".2)

    The fading rate appears to become more gradual 
  (vsnet-campaign-nova 886).

  AT Cnc		(RA = 08h28m36s.92, Dec = +25d20'02".6)

    The object faded from the outburst and then entered a standstill 
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 2189).

  V1039 Cen		(RA = 13h55m41s.27, De = -64d15'57".9)

    Using on recent observations, A. Retter detected two possible 
  periodicity: ~1.8 hr, which is presumably the orbital period, and 
  ~20 min, which is probably the spin period.  He suggested that 
  this nova is an intermediate polar (vsnet-campaign-nova 884).
  The strong oscillation still continues (vsnet-campaign-nova 890).

  RR Tau		(RA = 05h39m30s.53, Dec = +26d22'26".3)

    The object is gradually brightening and has been reported to 
  reach 10.6mag on March 24 (vsnet-campaign-orion 30).

  HL CMa		(RA = 06h45m17s.0, Dec = -16d51'35")
    Recent observations indicate HL CMa entered a new starndstill 
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 2194, 2199), and then, again faded 
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 2210).

*** Future schedule ***
	34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly
	10th to 12th October 2002 - Houston, Texas
	For more information, visit the session website:
					[vsnet-campaign-xray 124]
					[vsnet-campaign-agn 2]
	22-26 April 2003, Valencia, Spain
	Web site: http://vsnet.uv.es/2003supernovae/
					[vsnet-campaign-sn 342]

	Main Scientific Organizer (MSO): 
	Elena Pian - INAF, Astronomical Observatory of Trieste, Italy - 
					[vsnet-campaign-grb 1]

	Sendai, Japan: May 13-16, 2002
	contact to: Dr. M. Seki or wsloc@astr.tohoku.ac.jp
					[vsnet-campaign-mira 3]

  International Conference on Classical Nova Explosions
	 Sitges (Barcelona), Spain: 20-24 May 2002
    For more detailed information, see http://vsnet.ieec.fcr.es/novaconf
					[vsnet-campaign-nova 643]
					[vsnet-campaign-nova 666]

  Blazar meeting at Tuorla: June 17-21, 2002
	for more information, see http://vsnet.astro.utu.fi/blazar02
					[vsnet-campaign-blazar 232]

*** General information ***

  GK Per
    Time-series photometry by T. Havlik, see [vsnet-campaign-data 93]

  V838 Mon
    Spectra since February 2002:
					[vsnet-campaign-v838mon 300]

(This summary can be cited.)	

Makoto Uemura

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