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[vsnet-campaign 1280] VSNET Weekly Campaign Summary

VSNET Weekly Campaign Summary

*** Last week news ***

(new targets)
  Nova Oph 2002		(RA = 17h37m34s.36  Dec = -16d23'18".4)

    The discovery of a nova by K. Haseda was reported on January 26. 
  No bright object was seen in photographs taken by the K. Haseda 
  until January 24 when the object appeared at 9.0mag 
  (vsnet-campaign-news 125, vsnet-campaign-nova 772).  D. West 
  confirmed the object of V=9.19 and Rc=8.67 on January 26 
  (vsnet-campaign-nova 774, 776) and reported the H_alpha emission 
  line which confirms nova nature of this new object 
  (vsnet-campaign-nova 775, vsnet-campaign-news 126).  The object has 
  already been bright on January 19 as shown by a T. Seki's prediscovery 
  observation (vsnet-campaign-nova 777, 785).  Independent discovery 
  was reported by Y. Nakamura on January 27 (vsnet-campaign-nova 778, 
  781).  A. Retter performed spectroscopy and reported that the 
  object is very likely a classical nova that belongs to the Fe II 
  class, caught at the early decline phase (vsnet-campaign-nova 786, 
  vsnet-campaign-news 127).
    A number of observers confirmed this nova and reported that 
  the object is still bright at about 9.0 mag (vsnet-campaign-nova 
  780, 782, 790).  

  SN 2002ao		(RA = 14h29m35s.74, Dec = -00d00'55".8)

    The KAIT team has discovered a brightest supernova SN 2002ao.  
  It is now mag about 14.8, and can reach mag 13.4 if it is of 
  type Ia.  IAUC 7809 informed that the discovery of SN 2002ao was 
  made on Jan. 25 when a new object was mag about 14.3.  The 
  position is about 16" east and 10" north of the diffuse nucleus 
  of the tilted open-spiral galaxy UGC 9299.  There are two galaxies 
  around UGC 9299, but they are far beyond (v_r \sim 25000 km/s).  
  The recession velocity of UGC 9299 is 1552 km/s (NED).  If this 
  velocity is of the Hubble flow, the expected maximum of a typical
  SN Ia is mag about 13.4 (vsnet-campaign-sn 326, 327).

  SN 2002H		(RA = 13h38m27s.58, Dec = -10d43'12".9)

    The host galaxy of SN 2002H = MCG -02-35-11 is a lenticular 
  galaxy.  The expected maximum for typical SN Ia is mag about 
  16.6 (vsnet-campaign-sn 317).  The CfA team performed spectroscopy 
  and reported that it was a type Ia SN past maximum 
  (vsnet-campaign-sn 320).  

  SN 2002I		(RA = 13h22m26s.84, Dec = -02d25'04".1)

    The host galaxy of SN 2002I = IC 4229 (barred-spiral) also 
  produced SN II 2001ae (mag 17.3).  The expected maximum for 
  typical SN Ia is mag about 16.6 (vsnet-campaign-sn 317).  
  The CfA team performed spectroscopy and reported that it was a 
  type Ia SN past maximum (vsnet-campaign-sn 317).

  SN 2002J		(RA = 10h54m38s.36, Dec = -21d03'53".6)

    The KAIT team discovered a somewhat nearby SN 2002J which can 
  reach mag 15.3.  IAUC 7800 informed that the discovery was made 
  on Jan. 21.4, when the new object was mag about 16.8.  It was 
  confirmed on the next day when it became brighter by 0.2 mag.  
  Its position is about 24" west and 6" north of the nucleus of a 
  open spiral galaxy NGC 3464.  The recession velocity of this 
  galaxy is 3729 km/s, which indicate that the maximum of the 
  typical SN Ia in this galaxy would be mag about 15.3 
  (vsnet-campaign-sn 318).  IAUC 7808 informed that this SN turned 
  out to be of type Ic near maximum (vsnet-campaign-sn 325).

  SN 2002an		(RA = 08h22m47s.76, Dec = +24d17'41".7)

    As IAUC 7805 reported, Y. Sano discovered a supernova SN 2002an 
  in the nearby galaxy on Jan. 22.52 when its unfiltered red
  magnitude was 16.04.  The position of this new object is about 38" 
  east and 7" south of the nucleus of a face-on open spiral galaxy 
  NGC 2575.  The expected maximum for typical SN Ia in this galaxy 
  is mag about 15.4.  Kushida notes that it become slightly brighter 
  on Jan. 24.729, and nothing was visible on Jan. 6.  If it is of 
  type Ia, it would be some days before maximum light 
  (vsnet-campaign-sn 321).  IAUC 7808 informed that SN 2002an was 
  not detected on Jan. 17.54.  Thus, it should be very young SN, and 
  expected to be rising (vsnet-campaign-sn 324).

  SX LMi		(RA = 10h54m29s.93, Dec = +30d06'30".0)

    M. Simonsen detected a bright outburst (13.2mag) of the SU UMa 
  star SX LMi on January 22 (vsnet-campaign-dn 2066).  The light 
  curve obtained by the Kyoto team on January 22 shows a somewhat 
  rapid decline of the object and possible double-peak modulations 
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 2069).  The object remained bright even on 
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 2070), and fully-grown superhumps appeared on 
  January 23.  M. Uemura reported the period of superhumps to be 
  0.07088(24) d, which is significantly longer than that reported 
  in Nogami et al. (1997) (0.06950(2) d) (vsnet-campaign-dn 2071). 
  The object further brightened on January 24 (vsnet-campaign-dn 2076), 
  and then started a normal gradual fading.  M. Uemura reported the 
  shortening of superhump period (vsnet-campaign-dn 2078, 2079).
    The superoutburst is now ongoing (vsnet-campaign-dn 2072).

  RZ Psc		(RA = 01h09m40s.07, Dec = +27d57'28".0)

    As reported by E. Muyllaert, RZ Psc suddenly faded to 12.3mag 
  on January 24 (vsnet-campaign-orion 10).

  KV CMa		(RA = 06h50m52s.63, Dec = -20d54'38".0)

    S. Otero reported that KV CMa is probably a rather long period  
  eclipsing binary and reported an eclipse reaching to 7.4mag 
  on January 22 (vsnet-campaign-ecl 41).  The eclipse probably 
  lasted about 1 day (vsnet-campaign-ecl 42, 43).  S. Kiyota 
  confirmed the eclipse and proposed its period of 171 d or 171/n d 
  in conjunction with HIPPARCOS and S. Otero's observations 
  (vsnet-campaign-ecl 44, 45).

  AT Cnc		(RA = 08h28m36s.92, Dec = +25d20'02".6)

    As shown in observations reported during the last week, 
  AT Cnc possibly entered a standstill at the magnitude of 13.5-13.6 
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 2068).  The standstill continues
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 2075).

  DLS_trans139		(RA = 10h49m32s.82, Dec = -04d31'45".4)

    Acoording to IAUC 7803, DLS_trans139 (see [vsnet-transient-alert 2])
  has been bright since January 12 at R=22.0 
  (vsnet-campaign-unknown-transient 2).

  BZ Cam		(RA = 06h29m34s.49, Dec = +71d04'39".5)

    M. Simonsen reported a brightening to 11.9mag of BZ Cam 
  on January 25 (vsnet-campaign-nl 60).

  CV ROTSE3 J015118.59-022300.1
			(RA = 01h51m18s.59, Dec = -02d23'00".1)

    D. A. Smith et al. (astro-ph/0201397) reported a new possible 
  CV.  The characteristics of its light curve are similar to those 
  in a superoutburst of SU UMa stars (vsnet-campaign 1279).

  X-ray transients in M31

    According to IAUC 7798, the following X-ray transients have been
  discovered during XMM-Newton observations on Jan. 5:
	XMMU J004414.0+412204  supersoft
	XMMU J004415.9+413058  highly absorbed spectrum P=5600 s?
	XMMU J004438.1+414511  
  (vsnet-campaign-xray 108).  The third source is located close to the 
  known ROSAT source RX J0044.6+4145, so observers should carefully 
  avoid any source confusion (vsnet-campaign-xray 109).  Several mag. 
  ~21 stars also appear within the uncertainty circles in the catalogue 
  by Magnier et al. (vsnet-campaign-xray 110).

(continuous targets) 
  V381 Nor		(RA = 15h50m58s.5, Dec = -56d28'35")

    B. Monard reported that his observations detected no optical 
  counterpart of this X-ray transient in the renewed X-ray outburst 
  within a limiting magnitude of R=17.5 (vsnet-campaign-xray 111).

  SN 2002C		(RA = 12h27m52s.66, Dec = +27d00'06".1)
    The UCB group and the CfA group took spectra of this SN on 
  Jan 17 and 19 respectingly, which reveal that it is of type II 
  in the early phase (IAUC 7800).  The reported magnitudes is very 
  bright for typical SN II (vsnet-campaign-sn 319).

  SN 2002D		(RA = 01h32m57s.80, Dec = -16d32'07".3)
    It turned out to be of type II as shown in a spectrum taken 
  by the CfA team.  The discovery magnitude (mag about 16.8) is 
  somewhat brighter than the typical SN II (vsnet-campaign-sn 320).

  SN 2002E		(RA = 12h08m52s.90, Dec = -09d02'13".2)

    The CfA team revealed that it is of an old SN II (ibid) 
  (vsnet-campaign-sn 319).

  SN 2002F		(RA = 03h52m58s.52, Dec = +35d35'00".8)

    It turned out to be of type II as shown in a spectrum taken 
  by the CfA team (vsnet-campaign-sn 320).

  GSC 4822.39		(RA = 07h04m04s.816, Dec = -03d50'50".94)
    The spectral feature has not been changed during the last week 
  as reported by M. Fujii and M. Gavin (vsnet-campaign-nova 765, 
  766, vsnet-campaign-unknown 52, 53).  The object is now gradually 
  fading (vsnet-campaign-nova 762, 767, 768, 770, 783, 789,  
  vsnet-campaign-unknown 51, 54, 55, 57, 58, 60).

  IM Nor		(RA = 15h39m26s.47, Dec = -52d19'18".2)

    S. Starrfield informed that the CHANDRA satellite will observe
  IM Nor in outburst during the week of 4 February 2002 
  (vsnet-campaign-nova 760).  The object is still bright at about 
  V=8.6 (January 27 by W. Liller) and gradually fading 
  (vsnet-campaign-nova 761, 763, 771, 779, 784, 788, 791).

  IP Peg		(RA = 23h23m08s.7, Dec = +18d24'59".1)

    The outburst finished and the object returned to quiescence 
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 2067).

  UX Ori		(RA = 05h04m30s.39, Dec = -03d47'18".3)
    The object rapidly faded and reached 10.7mag on January 21 
  as reported by E. Muyllaert (vsnet-campaign-orion 8).

  HV Vir		(RA = 13h21m03s.0, Dec = +01d53'28")

    On January 21, T. Krajci reported a rapid fading from the 
  superoutburst plateau (vsnet-campaign-hvvir 72, 73, 76).  
  The rapid fading stopped in the late January 21 when late 
  superhumps are clearly detected in the light curve taken by 
  the Kyoto team (vsnet-campaign-hvvir 74, 75).  On January 24, 
  the fading rate became more gradual and the late superhumps 
  were still seen (vsnet-campaign-hvvir 78).  A slow brightening 
  was seen in the light curve on January 25 (vsnet-campaign-hvvir 79).  
  The extensive campaign is still ongoing (vsnet-campaign-hvvir 77).

  HL CMa		(RA = 06h45m17s.0, Dec = -16d51'35")

    While a possible fading was reported (vsnet-campaign-dn 2073), 
  the unusual outburst (or standstill ?) still continues 
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 2077).

  BL Lac		(RA = 22h02m42.86s, Dec = +42d16'37.6")

    The object further brightened to R~12.8 - 12.7 as reported 
  by M. Villata (vsnet-campaign-blazar 248, 249).

  omega CMa		(RA = 07h14m48s.70, Dec = -26d46'22".1)

    Observations by S. Otero and T. Kato indicate that the object 
  is now bright at about 3.6mag (vsnet-campaign-be 157).

  RR Tau		(RA = 05h39m30s.53, Dec = +26d22'26".3)

    On January 24, the object suddenly faded to 12.2mag as 
 reported by E. Muyllaert and G. Comello (vsnet-campaign-orion 9).

  delta Sco		(RA = 16h00m19s.9, Dec = -22d37'17")

    The object is still bright at about 1.7mag 
  (vsnet-campaign-be 158).

  SN 2001ig		(RA = 22h57m30s.69, Dec = -41d02'25".9)

    This supernova is still bright at about 13.0mag 
  (vsnet-campaign-sn 322).

  V803 Cen		(RA = 13h23m44s.5, Dec = -41d44'30".1)

    The bright state continues (vsnet-campaign-dn 2065).

  CR Boo		(RA = 13h48m55s.42, Dec = +07d57'30".3)

    A new outburst of 13.3mag was reported by M. Simonsen 
  on January 25 (vsnet-campaign-dn 2074).

  V1039 Cen		(RA = 13h55m41s.27, De = -64d15'57".9)

    Observations by B. Monard show possible oscillations between 
  11 and 13 mag within a few days (vsnet-campaign-nova 764).

*** Future schedule ***

	Main Scientific Organizer (MSO): 
	Elena Pian - INAF, Astronomical Observatory of Trieste, Italy - 
					[vsnet-campaign-grb 1]

	Sendai, Japan: May 13-16, 2002
	contact to: Dr. M. Seki or wsloc@astr.tohoku.ac.jp
					[vsnet-campaign-mira 3]

  International Conference on Classical Nova Explosions
	 Sitges (Barcelona), Spain: 20-24 May 2002
    For more detailed information, see http://vsnet.ieec.fcr.es/novaconf
					[vsnet-campaign-nova 643]
					[vsnet-campaign-nova 666]

  Blazar meeting at Tuorla: June 17-21, 2002
	for more information, see http://vsnet.astro.utu.fi/blazar02
					[vsnet-campaign-blazar 232]

  International workshop 
	"XEUS - studying the evolution of the hot universe"
	March 11-13, 2002 ; MPE Garching, Germany
	for more information, see 
					[vsnet-campaign-xray 98]
					[vsnet-campaign-xray 104]

  Campaign on YY Eri
	2002 February 9 and 10 
	conducted by Japan Variable Star Study Association
					[vsnet-campaign-ecl 38]

*** General information ***

  Nova Oph 2002
    Finding chart presented by VSNET
					[vsnet-campaign-news 125]
    Discovery photograph presented by K. Haseda:
					[vsnet-campaign-nova 773]
    Charts provided by A. Price:
					[vsnet-campaign-nova 787]
    Image taken by K. Kadota:
					[vsnet-campaign-nova 792]
  GSC 4822.39
    New spectrum taken by M. Fujii:
					[vsnet-campaign-nova 765]
					[vsnet-campaign-unknown 52]
    New charts provided by A. Price:
					[vsnet-campaign-nova 769]
					[vsnet-campaign-unknown 56]
  CfA team spectrum of recent SNe:
					[vsnet-campaign-sn 320]
  SN 2002an
    Sequence provided by D. West, see [vsnet-campaign-sn 323]

(This summary can be cited.)	

Makoto Uemura

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