CV ROTSE3 J015118.59-022300.1 This is the new CV in question. The object (likley an SU UMa star) was most likely caught during its superoutburst. Please monitor for the next outburst! --- Paper: astro-ph/0201397 From: Donald A. Smith <> Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 16:26:39 GMT (309kb) Title: Discovery of the CV ROTSE3 J015118.59-022300.1 Authors: D. A. Smith, C. Akerlof, M. C. B. Ashley, D. Casperson, G. Gisler, A. Henden, S. Marshall, K. McGowan, T. McKay, M. A. Phillips, E. Rykoff, S. Shectman, W. T. Vestrand and P. Wozniak Comments: Four pages, four figures, accepted by IBVS as paper No. 5226, includes two ibvs style files \\ We report on the discovery of an outburst from a previously unknown high- latitude CV we designate ROTSE3 J015118.59-022300.1. The object was first detected on 2001 Oct 13.291 at m-ROTSE3=14.71+-0.06, after which it faded by more than 2 magnitudes over 13 d. Spectral analysis confirms a Galactic location, despite unusual properties that render classification difficult. \\ ( , 309kb)