WZ Sge rebrightening! and humps, eclipses Dear Colleagues, By combining the reported data, it has become evident that the amplitude of superhumps decayed on late Aug. 20 (UT). The system started to brighten, as reported in earlier messages. The superhumps decayed as the system rebrightened. The most recent data from Pietz indicate the presence of only weak superhumps with amplitudes 0.03-0.04 mag. However, the phase of the superhump maxima is on an extension from the pre-rebrightening observations. Eclipses have become weaker as well. The center of eclipse seems to be slightly earlier than the predicted times, though this needs to be confirmed by further observations. It is not clear yet whether this change in the eclipse phase and depth is more associated with the rebrightening phenomenon, or the beat with the orbital period. Intensive observations are very urgently requested, since some of WZ Sge-type dwarf novae (AL Com, V2176 Cyg) showed a rapid decrease of brightness after reaching the second maximum (maximum of rebrightening), followed by an immediate brightening returning to the (second?) superoutburst plateau. Please also remind HST and CXO observations are scheduled today! Regards, Taichi Kato VSNET Collaboration team