VSNET Weekly Campaign Summary *** Last week news *** (new targets) SN 2001cy (RA = 22h09m27s.76, Dec = +40d59'16".5) According to IAUC 7655, SN 2001cy was discovered by KAIT team on June 30 when it was mag about 16.3, and confirmed one day after at 0.1 mag brighter. The SN locates about 4" east and 6" south of the nucleus of the spiral galaxy UGC 11927. The recession velocity of the host galaxy (4478 km/s) suggests that the typical SN Ia on this galaxy can reach mag 15.5 if there is no extinction. But the Galaxtic extinction is comparably large (A_V \sim 0.7), so it seems not become brighter than mag 16 if it is not intrinsically bright (vsnet-campaign-sn 209). SN 2001cz (RA = 12h47m30s.17, Dec = -39d34'48".1) IAUC 7657 informed that R. Chassagne discovered SN 2001cz at mag 14.7. on July 4. The position is about 1" west and 32" south of the nucleus of the tilted spiral galaxy NGC 4679. NGC 4679 is one of the brightest member of the Centaurus Cluster ACO 3526. This cluster has a large velocity dispersion, which is probably due to the ongoing dynamical phenomena such as cluster merging. The recession velocity of the cluster as a total is about 3400 km/s, which indicate that the expected maximum of typical SN Ia is around mag 15.0 (vsnet-campaign-sn 210). V818 Sco (RA = 16h19m55s.07, Dec = -15d38'24".5) V818 Sco (Sco X-1) was faint around June 21 - 25, and then, recovered to 12.7mag in the end of June (vsnet-campaign-xray 71). SAX J1342.2-3833 (RA = 13h42m13s.68, Dec = -38d32'24") BeppoSAX team reported a detection of X-ray transient SAX J1342.2-3833 on July 7. They further reported that the low galactic latitude and a first Quick Look analysis at BeppoSAX SOC seem to indicate a Type I burst rather than a X-ray rich GRB (vsnet-campaign-xray 72, 73). (continuous targets) WX Cet (RA = 01h17m04s.17, Dec = -17d56'23".0) The possible superoutburst continues and the current magnitude is about 12mag (vsnet-campaign-dn 962, 966). The Kyoto team performed time-series observations on July 1, 2, and 3 and reported the object is gradually faded with a rate of 0.2mag/d (vsnet-campaign-dn 964, 968). They detected a possible hump on July 3 with an amplitude of 0.2mag (vsnet-campaign-dn 968). V1178 Sco (RA = 17h57m06s.92, Dec = -32d23'05".0) H. Itoh's observation on July 1 indicated a brightening from about 12.0 to 11.3mag (vsnet-campaign-nova 385). Observations by S. Kiyota and P. Nelson implied oscillating of the magnitude (vsnet-campaign-nova 390). The spectrum taken by M. Fujii shows the weak presence of P Cyg-type profile both in H-alpha and beta. The Fe II emission series are characteristic to a Fe II-type nova (vsnet-campaign-nova 387). VW CrB (RA = 16h00m03s.76, Dec = +33d11'14".4) On July 4, the Kyoto team reported that the object remained its brightness during July 1-3 and no prominent hump is detected (vsnet-campaign-dn 965). In the light curve in July 4 taken by the Kyoto team, double-peaked humps are seen with an amplitude of 0.2mag. This may indicate regrowth of superhumps (vsnet-campaign-dn 970). The current outburst lasts for more than three weeks since June 18, which is atypically longer for ordinal SU UMa-type dwarf novae (vsnet-campaign-dn 971). The outburst is still ongoing (vsnet-campaign-dn 972). GX Cas (RA = 00h49m01s.46, Dec = +56d52'44".8) The superoutbust is still ongoing (vsnet-campaign=dn 967). V1548 Aql (RA = 19h07m28s.42, Dec = +11d44'45".8) The gradual fading continues. The current magnitude is about 14.3mag (vsnet-campaign-nova 388, 389). AL Com (RA = 12h32m25s.90, Dec = +14d20'42".5) The Kyoto team reported that their observations on July 2, 3, and 4 confirmed that the outburst was finally terminated (vsnet-campaign-dn 969). V446 Her (RA = 18h57m21s.51, Dec = +13d14'27".3) D. Nogami reported that E. Pavlenko noticed him that the object became further bright at 15.6mag on July 2 (vsnet-campaign 990, vsnet-campaign-dn 963). BL Lac (RA = 22h02m42.86s, Dec = +42d16'37.6") The strong activity is still ongoing (vsnet-campaign-blazar 209). It was reported to be very bright at around 13.3mag on July 9 (vsnet-campaign-blazar 210). *** Future schedule *** V446 Her campaign until September conducted by Matthias Schreiber, Boris Gaensicke, and Daisaku Nogami For more detailed information, see [vsnet-campaign-dn 918], [vsnet-campaign-nova 349], or [vsnet-campaign 983] CV conference at Goettingen, 5-10 August 2001 [vsnet-announce 15, 20] Two Years of Science with Chandra * * This meeting will also be the 12th Annual Maryland Astrophysics Conference September 5-7, 2001 For more information, see [vsnet-campaign-xray 66] *** General information *** V1178 Sco CCD images taken by A. Giambersio: http://ftp.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp/pub/vsnet/Novae/nova_sco01/giambersio.jpg [vsnet-campaign-nova 386] Spectrum taken by M. Fujii: http://vsnet1.harenet.ne.jp/~aikow/v1178sco.gif [vsnet-campaign-nova 387] AL Com VSNET light curve updated: http://vsnet.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp/vsnet/DNe/alcom0105.html [vsnet-campaign-dn 969] (This summary can be cited.) Regards, Makoto Uemura