RZ Leo rebrightening observation Dear Colleagues, Preliminary analysis of the RZ Leo data on Jan. 12 shows that the object has not yet entered the rapid decline from the rebrightening. The object was about 0.8 mag fainter than on Jan. 11, but remained sufficiently bright. This behavior seems to be different from that of UV Per, and seems to more resemble the early stage of the rebrightening of AL Com in 1995 (see Nogami et al. in the preceding post). AL Com showed a relatively rapid decline, followed by a second, bright (plateau) state, which Nogami et al. interpreted as the second superoutburst. Intensive observations are very strongly needed at this extremely important stage. More detailed analysis will be presented by Ishioka-san et al. Even in the strong interference from the Moon, successive short exposures enough to avoid saturation (of the comparison) and stacking frames in the later analysis is known to efficiently record the object under such difficult conditions. Please, with all your efforts and technique, record the behavior of this rarely met outburst! The VSNET Collaboration team is willing to receive raw images and make detailed analysis, if the above analysis is difficult at the observer's side. Regards, VSNET Collaboration team