VSNET Weekly Campaign Summary *** Last week news *** (new targets) RU Hor (RA = 02h46m05s.38, Dec = -63d35'04".0) R. Stubbings reported that the dwarf nova RU Hor experienced a relatively rare outburst on November 14 (13.8mag). The last reported outburst occurred in 1999 August. The object has a relatively large outburst amplitude (>5 mag?), which would make it a good candidate for an SU UMa-type dwarf nova (vsnet-campaign 556). The object have faded rather rapidly. R. Stubbings reported it was fainter than 14.4mag on November 17 (vsnet-campaign-dn 247). KK Tel (RA = 20h28m37s.27, Dec = -52d18'25".1) R. Stubbings reported that the dwarf nova KK Tel experienced an outburst on November 14 (13.9mag). This star is a candidate SU UMa-type dwarf nova suspected from quiescent photometry. The last long outburst occurred in 2000 May (vsnet-campaign 557). The object have faded rather rapidly. R. Stubbings reported it was fainter than 15.0mag on November 17 (vsnet-campaign-dn 248). DO Dra (RA = 11h43m38s.5, Dec = +71d41'19".1) As reported by C. Jones, P. Schmeer and other observers, the intermediate polar with rare dwarf nova-type(-like?) outbursts showed a major outburst on November 16 (about 11mag; vsnet-campaign 558). R. Ishioka, Kyoto team performed a time-series photometry at Kyoto on November 17 and found the object became fainter than the peak (R=11.4mag; vsnet-campaign-ip). K. Mukai and his collaborators are planning TOO observations of DO Dra with the RXTE satellite on November 19, 20, and 21 (vsnet-campaign-ip 4). The object have rapidly faded. The current magnitude seems to be fainter than 13mag (vsnet-campaign-ip 7). (continuous targets) SN 2000dx (RA = 02h18m26s.88, Dec = +05d39'02".0) Reported magnitudes were brighter than expected (vsnet-campaign-sn 110), and the brightness seems to pass a peak. Delta Vel (RA = 08h44m42s.1, Dec = -54d42'30") S. Otero wrote in [vsnet-campaign-deltavel 26] that the next eclipse is predicted to occur on November 21.54 (UT), and more detailed comments for observations are presented. In [vsnet-campaign-deltavel 27], A. Jansen wrote that taking into account that the eclipse will start about 11 hours before and end about 11 hours after minimum, the observing window must stretch from November 20th, 9h UT until November 22nd, 1h UT. BL Lac (RA = 22h02m42.86s, Dec = +42d16'37.6") The object again flared up during the last week (vsnet-campaign-blazar 92). The object was observed at 13.3 mag on November 17. The data suggests a jump by a magnitude within a day (vsnet-campaign-blazar 93). IP Peg (RA = 23h23m08s.7, Dec = +18d24'59".1) The last long outburst lasted for about 2 weeks and now it is at quiescence (vsnet-campaign-dn 242). Delta Sco (RA = 16h00m19s.9, Dec = -22d37'17") S. Otero found that taking the orbital period from Fabregat, Reig and Tarasov (2000) P= 10.583 and the ephemeris from Hartkopf et al.,(1996) To = 1979.41 , a periastron passage had taken place in 1958.24, and the star was measured brighter than normal in 1958. He also commented it's a very good indicator of the relation between the binary nature of the system and the observed events (vsnet-campaign-be 71). DM Dra (RA = 15h34m01s.33, Dec = +59d47'02".0) T. Kato performed the photometry of the time-series data on DM Dra on October 27, observed by K. Matsumoto, the Kyoto team. The observation covered 0.091 d and there is a hint of a maximum during the early part of the observing run. However, the amplitude of superhumps (if exists) did not much exceed 0.1 mag (vsnet-campaign-dn 243). RX J2315.5-3049 (RA = 23h15m31s.934, Dec = -30d48'45".53) T. Kato analyzed the time-series data on RX J2315.5-3049 on October 27, observed by K. Matsumoto, the Kyoto team. The analysis perfectly confirms the existence and the phasing of humps reported in [vsnet-alert 5344]. The outburst was unusually short for a superoutburst, although the detected hump signature in outburst bore all characteristics of superhumps (vsnet-campaign-dn 244). *** Future schedule *** DO Dra: RXTE TOO observation on November 19, 20, and 21 In [vsnet-campaign-ip 4], K. Mukai wrote: Dr. Szkody has pointed out that, during the last outburst, X-ray and optical spin pulses were out of phase. We would therefore like to request all observers capable of fast photometry to obtain as much data as weather etc. permit --- this system has a 530 s spin period, but most of the modulations are at 1/2 the spin period and its orbital sideband. Simultaneous photometry with RXTE would be particularly valuable; even if not simultaneous, any data that would allow us to track the evolution of spin modulation during the outburst decay would be highly useful. *** General information *** Delta Vel detailed information for observations by S. Otero, see [vsnet-campaign-deltavel 26] (This summary is reproduction free.) Regards, Makoto Uemura