DO Dra (YY Dra) outburst Dear Colleagues, As reported by Christopher Jones, Patrick Schmeer and other observers, the intermediate polar with rare dwarf nova-type(-like?) outbursts is undergoing a major outburst. During the previous outbrust (1999 September), the Kyoto team obtained a successful time-series using 10-15s integration times. On other occasion in outburst, the system showed qsasi-periodic modulation whose period didn't seem to be directly correlated with the reported spin period. Anyway, previous photometry during outburst of DO Dra showed relatively strong short-term variation, which is rather unlike usual dwarf nova-type outburst. As has been always recommended on every outburst occasion, time-resolved photometry is strongly encouraged. Please use short integration times. Follow-up information will be provided in vsnet-campaign-ip. More information: Regards, Taichi Kato VSNET Collaboration team