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[vsnet-campaign 467] EF Eri

Dear colleagues,

EF Eri is a AM Her-type cataclysmic variable in the southern sky.
Researchers at Goettingen have a plan to observe this star with HST
in near future, and strongly want to know the current state of this
star.  The variability range of this star is ~14-18.1(V).  The
position of EF Eri is
RA: 03h 14m 13.21s, Dec: -22o 35' 42.7'' (J2000)
and the sequence was kindly published by Bruce Sumner and Arne Henden
which is attached below.  EF Eri is a target presently in the morning
sky.  We would encourage VSNET observers to make a close monitor of
EF Eri!

With best wishes,
Daisaku Nogami

17.  EF ERIDANI   (E+XM)   Range: 14.5-18.1V
     Position:   03 14 13.21  -22 35 42.7  (J2000, from .dat file)
     Magnitude:  V=18.132  B-V=0.109       (in .dat file)

ID     RA  (2000)   DEC       X    Y   N    V      ERR     B-V    ERR      

a) Comparison star sequence

1    03 14 07.0  -22 40 24   -86 -281  4  12.337  0.046   0.947  0.017   
2    03 14 03.0  -22 36 57  -142  -74  4  12.714  0.030   0.596  0.017   
3    03 13 58.5  -22 36 31  -204  -48  4  12.858  0.036   0.881  0.018   
4    03 13 59.5  -22 29 28  -190  375  2  14.050  0.042   0.743  0.015   
5    03 14 17.4  -22 36 41    58  -57  4  14.471  0.030   0.640  0.016   
6    03 14 11.7  -22 35 46   -21   -3  4  14.852  0.033   0.940  0.014   
7    03 14 01.1  -22 36 09  -168  -26  4  15.285  0.035   0.710  0.020   
8    03 14 31.0  -22 39 45   247 -241  4  15.377  0.036   0.588  0.020   
9    03 14 23.3  -22 33 51   140  112  4  15.762  0.075   1.013  0.020   
10   03 13 56.5  -22 30 40  -232  303  4  16.101  0.035   1.339  0.022   
11   03 14 15.6  -22 33 02    33  161  4  17.082  0.033   0.637  0.025   
12   03 14 00.9  -22 32 49  -170  174  4  17.604  0.051   0.865  0.033   

b) Wide-colour extension for CCD calibration

     03 14 07.3  -22 40 06   -81 -263  4  14.550  0.025  -0.008  0.017   


There is a preliminary AAVSO 'd' chart for this variable dated 8/1998,
which includes CCD(V) magnitudes from T. Kato (Kyoto University).
Additionally there is an RASNZ VSS chart available that identifies the
comparison stars with letters.

                    ID     V     RASNZ  AAVSO

                    1    12.337    e    11.6
                    2    12.714    f    11.9
                    5    14.471    k    13.8
                    6    14.852         14.1
                    7    15.285         14.5

B. Sumner
Revised 8 July 1999 

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