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[vsnet-campaign 375] VSNET Weekly Campaign Summary

VSNET Weekly Campaign Summary

*** Last week news ***

(new targets)
  AW Sge		(RA = 19h58m37s.11, Dec = +16d41'28".8)

    The dwarf nova AW Sge is undergoing a rare, bright outburst (14.0mag on 
  July 11 by R. Stubbings).  This object had been suspected to be an 
  SU UMa-type dwarf nova (vsnet-campaign 366).  The last reported outburst 
  occurred in 1996 August (magnitude 15.0, Pietz) which was a normal 
  outburst (vsnet-campaign-dn 2).  G. Masi succeeded in detecting superhumps 
  and establishing AW Sge is a new member of SU UMa-type dwarf novae 
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 19).  From the second observation of G. Masi, 
  the superhump amplitude of 0.4mag and the rough estimated period of 
  0.07d were reported (vsnet-campaign-dn 32).  G. Masi and M. A. Tosti 
  performed astrometry and obtained the result of R.A.= 19h 5m8 37.11s; 
  Delta:+16d 41' 28.8" (vsnet-campaign 374).  At vsnet-campaign-data, 
  the data observed by G. Masi are available (vsnet-campaign-data 22,23).
    The superoutburst is now ongoing at about 14.6mag.  Time-series 
  observations are strongly urged to determine a more accurate superhump 

  DM Lyr		(RA = 18h58m45s.02, Dec = +30d15'39".9)
    A possible superoutburst of this SU UMa-type dwarf nova occurred 
  on July 11 (14.3mag by G. Poyner).  The last likely superoutburst 
  occurred in 1997 November-December.
    The superoutburst is now ongoing at about 14.5mag. More observations 
  to precisely determine the superhump period are encouraged.

  SN 2000cu		(RA = 19h24m20s.95, Dec = -25d59'04".1)

    According to IAUC 7453, the Lick KAIT team has discovered a new
  bright supernova.  The position is about 12" east and 2" north of
  the nucleus of the nearly face-on Sa-b galaxy ESO 525-4.
  It was at about mag 16 (vsnet-campaign-sn 10).
    Observations are encouraged.

  SN 2000cv		(RA = 12h15m42s.21, Dec = +61d53'24".0)

    M. Schwartz has discovered SN 2000cv in a small elliptical galaxy
  PGC 39222 on July 11.2.  The position is about 10" east and 1" north 
  of the center of the host galaxy.  The reported magnitudes are 161C at 
  the discovery and 160C on July 12.2 by the KAIT (vsnet-campaign-sn 13).
    Observations are encouraged.

  SN 2000cw		(RA = 23h47m25s.10, Dec = +28d23'15".8)

    The KAIT team has discovered another SN 2000cw in Sbc galaxy 
  MCG +5-56-007 on Jul. 14.5.  The position is about 8" east and 21" 
  south of the nucleus of MCG +5-56-007.  It was 174:C at the discovery 
  and 172:C on the next day (vsnet-campaign-sn 13).
    Observations are encouraged.

  Nova LMC 2000		(RA = 05h25m01s.60, Dec = -70d14'17".3)

    As reported in IAUC 7453, W. Liller discovered a nova in the LMC 
  (vsnet-campaign-nova 44).  It has rapidly faded from 11.2mag on July 12 
  to 12.3mag on July 14 (vsnet-campaign-nova 45).
    Keep attention for monitoring.

  V1141 Aql		(RA = 19h37m10s.01, Dec = +02d35'59".2)

    As reported by R. Stubbings, the poorly known SU UMa-type star 
  V1141 Aql is in outburst at 15.0mag on July 16.  The brightness is 
  roughly equal to the 1999 October level, so it can be another 
  superoutburst (vsnet-campaign 372).
    The outburst is now ongoing.  Time-series observations are encouraged.

  V844 Her		(RA = 16h25m01s.69, Dec = +39d09'25".9)

    As predicted by T. Watanabe (vsnet-future 12), the outburst has come 
  (12.2mag on July 17 by R. J. Modic).  The object is a short-period 
  SU UMa-type system with a long outburst interval.  No outburst has been 
  detected since the 1999 superoutburst (vsnet-campaign 373).
    More observations are urged.

(continuous targets)
  QW Ser		(RA = 15h26m13s.99, Dec = +08d18'03".8)

    About a superimposed hump in [vsnet-campaign-data 11], T. Kato commented 
  that this feature may be artificial, i.e. caused by some systematic effect 
  (vsnet-campaign 355).  M. Richmond reported his run at RIT observatory 
  and the URL of his results (see "General Information") (vsnet-campaign 362).
  R. Novak reported his observation on July 12 which showed a shorter period 
  0.0736(3)d and no evidence of the superimposed hump (vsnet-campaign 363). 
  At vsnet-campaign-data, the data observed by G. Masi, S. Kiyota, and 
  L. Cook are available (vsnet-campaign-data 11,12,13,14,19,20.21).  
    The superoutburst is now ongoing (13.2mag on July 15).  More time-series 
  observations are strongly encouraged to study the superhump evolution 
  and catch a rapid decline phase.

  MM Sco		(RA = 17h30m45s.68, Dec = -42d11'09".2)

    It has faded from the outburst (14.2mag on July 16).

  MKN421		(RA = 11h04m27s, Dec = +38d12'32")

    The fading trend looks like stopped during the last week 
  (vsnet-campaign-blazer 31).

  RX J1155.4-5641	(RA = 11h55m27s.6, Dec = -56d41'48")

    It has faded away.  The outburst looks like a typical SS Cyg-type one
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 5).

  RX J2315.5-3049	(RA = 23h15m31s.93, Dec = -30d48'47".0) 

    T. Augusteijn et al. noticed that this ROSAT-selected dwarf nova 
  candidate in its first detected outburst has similar features to WZ Sge 
  stars (vsnet-campaign 351).  A. Pearce's observation on July 11 suggests 
  it has rapidly faded at 15.3mag and the outburst was a normal one 
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 12). 

  CI Aql                (RA = 18h52m03s.6, Dec = -01d28m38.9s)
    The Kyoto observation on July 9 succeeded in very clearly record 
  the predicted primary eclipse. The eclipse is V-shaped around the minimum, 
  and the eclipse center was determined as July 9.713 UT, giving an O-C of 
  +0.012 to the ephemeris (vsnet-campaign-nova 39).  From S. Kiyota's data, 
  T. Kato reported that these observations also clearly demonstrates the
  presence of orbital variation, but the secondary minimum looks missing 
  (vsnet-campaign-nova 42).  At vsnet-campaign data, the data observed by 
  S. Kiyota are available (vsnet-campaign data 15, 16, 17).
    The current magnitude is about 13mag.  The observations at different 
  longitude are strongly urged.

  V1504 Cyg             (RA = 19h28m55s.87, Dec = +43d05'39".9)

    It faded from the superoutburst ( <14.5mag on July 10)(vsnet-campaign 353).
  R. Novak reported that the star was very faint (aprox 16-17 mag) on July 12 
  (vsnet-campaign 364).
  BF Ara                (RA = 17h38m10s.40, Dec = -47d10'43".4)

    The long outburst has finally faded on July 16 (<15.0) 
  (vsnet-campaign-dn 30).

  V803 Cen              (RA = 13h23m44s.5, Dec = -41d44'30".1)

    It again brightened at 13.0mag on July 16.  The strong oscillation has 
  been ongoing (vsnet-campaign-dn 28).  

  PKS2005-489           (RA = 20h05m47s.4, -48d58'45".0)

    This blazer was reported to be bright again (12.4mag on July 11) 
  (vsnet-campaign-blazar 25). 

  BL Lac                (RA = 22h02m42s.86, Dec = +42d16'37.6")

    Its slight activity still continues (vsnet-campaign-blazer 29).
  D. Rodriguez and collaborators participate in the BL Lac campaign 
  during July 17 - August 11 conducted by M. Villata, G. Tosti, and 
  E. Massaro (vsnet-campaign-blazer 30).
    The multi-wavelength campaign is now ongoing (see below).

  XTE J1118+480         (RA = 11h18m10s.9, Dec = +48d02'12".9)

    During JD 2451730 - 2451740, the light curve shows possible 
  multiple peaks within one period calculated to be 0.1696(2)d.
  It keeps general decline, but the decline speed became more rapid.
  The mean decline rate is calculated to be 0.015 mag/d, faster than 
  the previous speed during JD 2451660 - 2451730 of 0.006 mag/d 
  (vsnet-campaign-xray 8).
    Even an hour- or a half of an hour- observations at some observatory of
  different longitude will be very useful to study this system.

*** Future schedule ***
  BL Lac campaign  (July 17 - August 11)

    Massimo Villata, Gino Tosti, and Enrico Massaro organize an 
  optical campaign on BL Lac contemporaneous with the high-energy 
  campaign involving X-ray and TeV observatories such as BeppoSAX, 
  RXTE, STACEE, CAT, HEGRA.  Their goal is high-density and 
  high-precision coverage, possibly in two optical bands (B and R).
  Observers interested in participating to this optical campaign are
  invited to contact with M. Villata (villata@to.astro.it).
                                                [vsnet-campaign 204]

  NY Ser spectroscopic observations at the Calar Alto Observatory
                (July 08/09 and 09/10)
    D. Nogami noticed their schedule of spectroscopic observations of 
  NY Ser and wrote: "Because it is quite important for us to know the 
  state of NY Ser at our observations as accurately as possible, we would 
  ask observers to make a close monitor of this star for ~1 month from 
  now (this article was posted on June 29)."
    For more information, please see [vsnet-campaign 265], or contact 
  with D. Nogami (daisaku@uni-sw.gwdg.de).
                                                [vsnet-campaign 265]

  V446 Her campaign (throughout this summer)

    Boris T. Gaensicke organize a campaign on the post nova V446 Her (V~18). 
  Their aim is to obtain a *good* contiguous light curve of V446 Her that
  covers 2-3 dwarf nova-like outbursts of the system, in order to compare 
  its outburst characteristics to those of ``normal'' dwarf novae. 
  They invite those of you equipped with a CCD camera to obtain a couple 
  of images of V446 Her per night throughout the next three months, say, 
  until the end of September.
    For more information, please see [vsnet-campaign 325] or contact 
  with Boris T. Gaensicke (boris@uni-sw.gwdg.de).
    In [vsnet-campaign 368].....    
  "The V446 Her campaign from July 7 was started (through the end of 
   September).  But we have received very few observations since then.
   Negative observations, for instance, <17.0, are also useful.
   We strongly encourage observers to contribute to this project.
   Let's clarify the physics of post novae!"

*** General information ***

  CI Aql
    eclipse ephemeris, see [vsnet-campaign-nova 41]

  QW Ser
    From M. Richmond (vsnet-campaign 362)
      A finding chart and additional information on QW Ser are available at    
      That URL also contains a link to the measurements of QW Ser, which is

  AW Sge
    The FITS image from G. Masi,
    (vsnet-campaign-dn 8)
    The superhump light curve can be available at:
    (vsnet-campaign-dn 21)

  RX J1450.5+6403
    T. Vanmunster submitted his paper on May 2000 outburst of RXJ1450.5+6403
  to IBVS.  The article is available in preprint format (TeX) through 
  [vsnet-preprint 6].

  V893 Sco
    eclipse ephemeris, see [vsnet-campaign-dn 14]

  SN images   (From Pedro Re')
    Recent images of  SN2000cn, SN2000cr, SN2000cs, SN2000ct can be found at:
						[vsnet-campaign-sn 11]

  SN 2000cu
    Host galaxy of SN2000cu
	    GSC6880.1294 192420.06 -255905.9 (2000.0) 13.22 0 N
	    192419.2 -255905 (2000.0) ESO525-G4
						[vsnet-campaign-sn 12]

  SN2000E   (From S. Moretti)
    Recent images of  SN2000E can be found at:  
						[vsnet-campaign-sn 14] 

   We have set up a new list, vsnet-campaign-dn.  The new list 
  "vsnet-campaign-dn" is totally devoted to dedicated campaigns 
  of dwarf novae. [vsnet-campaign-dn 1]

    We have set up a new list, vsnet-campaign-xray.  The new list 
  "vsnet-campaign-xray" is totally devoted to dedicated campaigns 
  of X-ray binaries. [vsnet-campaign-xray 1]

    We have set up a new list, vsnet-campaign-image.  This list is 
  particularly dedicated to relay messages and images (JPEG/GIF) urgently 
  related to VSNET campaign activities. [vsnet-campaign-image 1]

(This summary is reproduction free.)

Makoto Uemura

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