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[vsnet-campaign 227] FX Cep in outburst - report of CCD photometry

Dear colleagues,

FX Cep is undergoing an outburst at this moment. I did a CCD photometry run on this object, last night (2000, Jun 17/18), using a 0.35-m f/6.3 telescope with unfiltered ST-7 CCD, during 3.7 hours. The object, at mag 15.5 (unfiltered), did not show any periodic signals. This confirms an earlier CCD photometry run, that I made on this object in September 1996.

This result seems to support FX Cep's classification as an UGSS-type dwarf nova, although more intensive observations are required. I remember, when still observing it visually, that the object had both short & faint outbursts, as well as longer & brighter ones.

Best regards,
Tonny Vanmunster
CBA Belgium Observatory

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