RX J0640-24 outburst As reported by Rod Stubbings and Berto Monard in vsnet-outburst messages, the ROSAT-selected suspected SU UMa-type star RX J0640-24 is in outburst. The brightness on 13.686 UT was 11.1. Though the current seasonal condition is far from ideal, nightly observations are important to see whether the current outburst fades as in known past outbursts. See past notifications vsnet-alert 3956, 3957, 3959, 3960, 3961, 3968, 3970, 3980, 3982, 3996, 3997, 3998, 4017, 4018, 4255, 4257, 4267, 4270. Extract from [vsnet-alert 3968]: ==== RX J0640-24 possible superhump? Dear Colleagues, From a 1.3-hour continuous run (vsnet-alert 3959), we have detected a modulation with an amplitude of ~0.3 mag, which might be attributed to a superhump. However, the large air-mass may be responsible. Longer observations at other longitudes (contributions from the southern hemisphere are extremely welcomed!) are strongly encouarged to clarify the nature of the object. Collaborating observations should be sent (as usual) to uemura@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp. Weather permitting, we will try to make a longer run tonight. Makoto Uemura and Taichi Kato