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[vsnet-campaign-v838mon 421] Re: (fwd) V838 Mon Light Echo Fading??(West)

DWest61506@aol.com wrote:
> Thanks for the feedback on the fading.  I hadn't been measuring the echo 
> photometrically so I guess I just noticed the effect on this image.  
> Listed below are my recent unfiltered CCD observations.  I have been 
> using GSC 4822:3661 Rc=9.854 (Henden) as a comparison star.  My check 
> star magnitude has remained constant over these observations.
> MAR 11.0639  11.82 
> MAR 14.0743  11.68
> MAR 26.1020  11.71
> APR 04.0775  11.47
> APR 05.0811  11.36
> APR 14.0930  11.33 
> My observations indicate a slight brightening which isn't consistent 
> with your observations or is it?

Perhaps; perhaps not.  You are observing unfiltered, I am using standard
filters.  With such a red object, direct comparisons are difficult.

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