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[vsnet-campaign-v4641sgr 121] Re: V4641 Sgr extremely short and violent flares!

Re: V4641 Sgr extremely short and violent flares!

>     We have finished analyzing July 7 data by Tanabe-san (Okayama U. Sci.,
> 5s exposure).  [We are also analyzing the data from Torii-san, RIKEN, but
> the analysis is slightly delayed].

   The same flares (including the biggest one) are recorded in Torii-san's
almost simlutaneous observation.  The reality of such flares is now
perfectly established!  After combining several runs, there seems to be
quasi-periodic activity phases (analogous to GRS 1915+105, as inferred from
Santallo's initial observation), some of which evolved into giant flashes!

   Please make as intensive observations as possible!!

Taichi Kato
VSNET Collaboration team

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