SN2003eg 20030414.3 <185:C KAI SN2003eg 20030517.3 158:C KAI SN2003eg 20030518.3 158:C KAI # SN 2003eg (12:50:58.33, -14:20:01.1 (J2000.0), offset = 16"E, 3"S) # is hosted by NGC 4727, a spiral (SAB(r)bc pec:) galaxy making a # close pair with NGC 4724 (about 1' west of NGC 4727). There are # many galaxies having v_r ~ 4000 km/s in 30' of NGC 4727. Though # the recession velocity of NGC 4727 itself is tabulated (in RC3) as # 7622 km/s, it seems to have a same distance as the surrounding # galaxies; it is suppoted the brightest observed magnitude of SN # (type unknown) 1965B also produced by NGC 4727 was B = 16.0. The # expected maximum for typical SN Ia in this group is mag about 15.5. # The spectral classification of the SN and the determination of the # recession velocity is important. SN2003eh 20030501.2 <185:C KAI SN2003eh 20030517.2 176:C KAI SN2003eh 20030518.3 176:C KAI # SN 2003eh (11:08:24.34, +3:29:47.0 (J2000.0), offset = 6"E, 6"S) is # hosted by MCG +01-29-3, a barred-spiral (SB(s)b:) galaxy. The # expected maximum for typical SN Ia is mag about 16.7. Sincerely Yours, Hitoshi Yamaoka, Kyushu Univ., Japan
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