SN2002ek 20020713.0 <210C PAL SN2002ek 20020722.31 192C PAL SN2002ek 20020722.33 192C PAL SN2002ek 20020722.37 192C PAL SN2002ek 20020806.27 195C PAL SN2002ek 20020806.29 195C PAL SN2002ek 20020806.32 195C PAL SN2002ek 20020807.31 195C PAL SN2002ek 20020807.33 195C PAL SN2002ek 20020807.36 195C PAL # An apparent host galaxy of SN 2002ek is 2MASXi J2032087-151751, a # small (probably) distant galaxy. sn2002el 20020805.3 <185:c kai sn2002el 20020812.3 176:c kai sn2002el 20020813.3 173:c kai # ngc 6986, the host galaxy of sn 2002el, is a probably lenticular # (sb0-?) galaxy. it possibly makes a cluster with many galaxies # including ic 1336 and ic 1339. from the recession velocity of these # members, the expected maximum for typical sn ia is mag about 17.1.