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[vsnet-campaign-sn 440] SN observation from IAUC 7920-22

SN2002dl  20011112.0  <205:C Puc
SN2002dl  20020616.35  177C  Puc

# The host galaxy of SN 2002dl is UGC 11994, a edge-on spiral (Sc)
# galaxy with some Galactic extinction (A_V = 0.25).  The expected
# maximum for typical SN Ia is mag about 16.0.

SN2002dm  20020513.695 190:V  ESa
SN2002dm  20020616.4   19.60V ESO
SN2002dm  20020616.4   20.35B ESO
SN2002dm  20020616.4   19.60R ESO

# SN 2002dm in IC 5017 had been kept unannounced for 1 month.  It is
# of type Ia about 50 days after maximum on June 16.4 UT (ESO VLT).
# The expected maximum for typical SN Ia is mag about 16.9.  It has
# somewhat odd color (although it is deduced from the spectrum), which
# suggests it may be abnormal one.

SN2002dn  20020531.5 <190:C  KAI
SN2002dn  20020615.5  186:C  KAI
SN2002dn  20020617.5  187:C  KAI

# IC 5145, the host galaxy of SN 2002dn, is a spiral (Sab) galaxy with
# notable Galactic extinction (A_V = 0.33).  The expected maximum for
# typical SN Ia is mag about 16.9, but it has been revealed to be
# probably of type Ic, 1-2 weeks aftre maximum (the UCB team
# spectrum). 

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