Dear SN watchers, Mark Armstrong discovered three new SNe (!) which are reported on IAUCs today. The first is SN 2001ef, which is the nearest. SN 2001eg is comparably dim object (mag 18-) although the host galaxy UGC 3885 is somewhat nearby galaxy (v_r = 3809 km/s). SN 2001eh (discovered at mag 16.5) appears on a distant galaxy (v_r = 11103 km/s, expected maximum for SN Ia = mag 17.5), which seems to be somewhat overluminous. SN 2001ef was discovered on Sept. 9.066 at mag 16.1 and confirmed on the next day at mag 16.0. The position is: R.A. = 4h44m28s.56, Decl. = +75o38'30".3 (2000.0), which is about 1" east and 8" north of the center of the barred-spiral (SAB(rs)bc) galaxy IC 381 = UGC 3130. Note that the RC1 indicate this galaxy as "NGC 1530A", but it seems to be incorrect identification so please do not use this name. Two independent offsets are reported but are consistent within 1" level. The SN is superimposed on the north part of the central bulge. Because of the low galactic latitude (b = 19o), there are several foregroung stars around and superimposed on the galaxy. The most bright one is mag 14 star GSC 4511-1612about 40" NNE of the center of IC 381. About 17" NW from the nucleus, there is a faint star (or condensation?) whose rmag is about 17. The recession velocity of the host galaxy is 2476 km/s, from which the expected maximum of the normal SN Ia is mag about 14.3. The SN did not detected on the image taken by the discoverer on Aug. 29, so it seems to be something fresh. On the other hand, the multicolor photometry at Apache Point observatory (Sept. 10.44) shows that it seems to be somewhat red. It can be reddened by the interstellar (or circumstellar) matter. Further observation including spectral confirmation are needed. Sincerely Yours, Hitoshi Yamaoka, Kyushu Univ., Japan