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[vsnet-campaign-sn 52] SN observations from IAUC 7478

SN2000de  20000811.9  160:C  Mgl
SN2000de  20000813.85 160:C  ColDruscue'Obs
SN2000de  20000817.4  160:C  AoM

SN2000df  20000817.204  172:C  SCH
SN2000df  20000818.194  172:C  SCH

# NGC 4384, the host galaxy of SN 2000de, is somewhat nearby; its
# recession velosity is about 2500 km/s.  The typical SNeIa is about
# 14 mag at maximum.  Besides, CGCG 51-70, the host of SN 2000df, is
# further; the expected maximum of SNeIa at this distance is 17+ mag.

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