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[vsnet-campaign-sn 16] SN 2000cx in NGC 524

Dear SN watchers,

  The LOSS KAIT team has discovered another bright SN in the
constellation Pisces.  The type of the host galaxy (S0) and the
reported magnitudes suggest that it is of type Ia just before maximum.
The spcetral confirmation and the follow-ups are surely encouraged.

  The reported position on IAUC 7458 is: R.A. = 1h24m46s.15, Decl. =
+9o30'30".9 (2000.0), which is about 23" west and 109" south of the
nucleus of circular-shaped S0 galaxy NGC 524.  SN locates well outside
of the main part of the host.  

  There are several bright stars around the galaxy which can confuse
the identification of the SN.  The below list shows four GSC stars.
Note that the listed magnitudes are not so certain, but these four are
all brighter than SN on the discovery image. 

     GSC#    offset from   GSC   USNO  USNO (A2.0)
              gal. core    mag   rmag  bmag
   614- 672   74"E, 30"S  12.97  14.5  15.5
   614- 154   30"E,125"N  12.35  12.8  13.9
   614-1331  126"E,120"S  12.13  12.5  13.2
   614- 576    1"E,137"S  10.78  11.2  12.3  

The last star is nearest to SN (about 27"E and 27"S from SN).  

  The reported magnitudes up to now are:

     July 17.5  14.5:C
     July 18.4  14.3:C

, which indicate that it is in the rising phase.  The recession
velocity of the host galaxy is about 2400 km/s, then the typical SN Ia
expected maximum is around mag 14.  The followup observations of this
SN is worthy for the further SN study for every aspects.

Sincerely Yours,
Hitoshi Yamaoka, Kyushu Univ., Japan

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