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[vsnet-campaign-nova 27] Re: [vsnet-campaign 288] VSNET Weekly Campaign Summary

>   V1493 Aql
>     In IAUC 7443, R. Novak et al. reports the presence of a period of
>   0.156 +/- 0.001 d, with a possible presence of eclipses with a depth
>   of 0.014 mag (vsnet-campaign-nova 7).

Pay attention, this nova is very faint now (mV<17.0). V1494 Aql at
mV=10.5 is a better target. In addition, the periodicity detected in 
its light curve is shorter - 1.5 hours, 

   Dr. Alon Retter         Tl. (work)     +44-(0)1782-58-3493  
   Physics Dept.           Fax  (work)     +44-(0)1782-711093 
   Keele University        -----------------------------------
   Staffordshire           'As a scientist I don't believe myself, so
   ST5 5BG, U.K.            why should I believe you?' (A.R. 1965-2085)

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