CCD V, 28-cm SCT February 20: CAMCI 20020220.1587 11.83V GTN A comparison sequence, by Bjorn Granslo, is available at: A couple of caveats though: 1) A recent PEP study* used GSC 3723-54 as the comparison star and GSC 3723-104 as the check star. The V magnitudes used in that study are systematically brighter than the magnitudes in the Granslo sequence by about 0.1 mags. 2) The Ouda photometry, on the other hand for their comparison star (GSC 3723-65) is derived from Tycho photometry. 3) GSC 3723-104 *may* be variable by about 0.15 mags (V); the available photometry only suggests it. Thom Gandet Lizard Hollow Observatory Tucson, AZ *See: