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[vsnet 1417] Sequence and charts of CI Cam

Norwegian Astronomical Society - Variable Star Section

         *** Sequence and charts of CI Camelopardalis ***

Below follows data for a number of field and sequence stars around
CI Cam. This list may be useful for photometric observers, both
visually and electronically.

Id Star Name  R.A. (2000.0) Decl. V-mag VT-mag sV/sVT  B-V s(B-V) Ref
 TYC/TIC/GSC  h  m   s    o  '  "
1 3727-1326  04 21 51.8 +56 30 23  5.91  5.924 0.003 +0.114 0.004 TYC
2 3727-1709  04 21 03.6 +56 42 44  7.07  7.235 0.006 +1.427 0.011 TYC
3 3723-0034  04 21 03.1 +55 31 52  7.66  7.677 0.008 +0.156 0.010 TYC
4 3723-0483  04 21 07.2 +55 30 19  7.92  7.942 0.009 +0.225 0.012 TYC
A 3723-0092  04 20 46.7 +56 06 09  8.28  8.479 0.011 +1.702 0.028 TYC

5 3723-0887  04 23 23.9 +55 43 48  8.78  8.913 0.013 +1.190 0.022 TYC
B 3723-0048  04 18 25.8 +56 10 29  9.53  9.597 0.023 +0.651 0.028 TYC
6 3723-0998  04 23 15.8 +56 06 32 10.07 10.141 0.036 +0.671 0.047 TYC
C 3723-0065  04 20 11.1 +55 54 18 10.49 10.499 0.050 +0.115 0.061 TYC
D 3723-0054  04 18 59.4 +55 56 12 10.51 10.592 0.053 +0.709 0.069 TYC

E 3723-0081  04 20 33.9 +56 09 06 10.97 11.030 0.079 +0.536 0.091 TYC
F 3723-0323  04 19 09.3 +56 06 26 11.17 11.207 0.111 +0.314 0.148 TYC
G 3723-0121  04 19 45.7 +56 10 42 11.8  ......  0.1   ..... ..... TIC
H 3723-0104  04 19 45.0 +55 57 36 12.62 ...... .....  +0.50 ..... Ouda
K 3723-0392  04 20 06.8 +55 58 19 13.14 ...... .....  +0.87 ..... Ouda

L 3723-0232  04 20 02.1 +56 01 05 14.11 ...... .....  +1.59 ..... Ouda
V   CI Cam   04 19 42.0 +55 59 59 10.46 ...... .....  +0.64 ..... Ouda

Identifications (numbers or letters) are from NAS.VSS. Star names
and positions (rounded to 0s.1 in R.A. and 1" in Decl.) are from
Tycho (TYC), Tycho Input (TIC) and Guide Star (GSC) catalogues. V-
and VT-magnitudes and (B-V)-colours with corresponding uncertainties
sV, sVT and s(B-V) in V, VT and B-V are from TYC and TIC.
Differential CCD-measurements of faint stars were made by D. Nogami,
Ouda station, Kyoto University (Ouda). The Ouda observations were
made on 1998 Apr 4.43 UT using TYC 3723-0065 as a calibration star.

Data from Hipparcos Catalogue [numbers, V-magnitudes and (V-I)-
colours]: 1 = HIP 20380(V=5.91, V-I=+0.13), 2 = HIP 20308 (V=7.08,
V-I=+1.41), 3 = HIP 20306 (V=7.66, V-I=+0.18), 4 = HIP 20314
(V=7.93, V-I=+0.26), A = HIP 20276 (V=8.24, V-I=+1.71). The
catalogues were accessed from Centre de Donn馥s astronomiques de
Strasbourg (CDS), and we wish to thank CDS for this service.
We have prepared two charts for CI Cam. They are available as GIF
and PostScript files and can be retrieved via the address

                               Yours sincerely,
                               Bjoern H. Granslo

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