Whilst there has been some discussion of a periapsidal hypothesis with respect to the recent outburst of delta Scorpii, I have not as yet come across anyone taking into account the possibility that delta Scorpii is a single line spectroscopic binary of around 20 days period, and whether this should have any effect upon such hypotheses. Also, now that delta Scorpii appears to be quite constant in luminosity, yet brighter than pre-outburst, the question arises as to whether or not there is sufficient time resolution and/or terrestial longitude displacement in current photometry to detect any very low amplitude modulation in luminosity of the order of 20 days. Indeed, I don't even know if such can be expected even if it is a spectroscopic binary... ...it all depends on the actual details of the geometry I suppose. An abstract search at adsabs.harvard.edu on the author Beddings for the year 1996 will provide a paper containing a summary and re-analysis on the nature of multiplicity of delta Scorpii, as well as references to the original spectroscopic binary works. John John Greaves UK