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[vsnet-announce 33] Classical Novae Conference (1st announc.)

Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2001 01:52:35 +0200 (CEST)
From: Classical Novae Conference <novaconf@ieec.fcr.es>

                      INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE
                      CLASSICAL NOVA EXPLOSIONS 
                      Sitges (Barcelona), Spain
                            20-24 May 2002

               WEB page: http://www.ieec.fcr.es/novaconf

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce an international conference on CLASSICAL NOVA 
EXPLOSIONS. Since the conference "Physics of Classical Novae", held in Madrid
(Spain) in June 1989, there has not been any specialized workshop dedicated
exclusively to this topic. Although sessions devoted to classical novae are
always included in the workshops on "Cataclysmic Variables", they can't cover 
in depth all the topics involved in the field of classical novae. We think it 
is a good time to have a specific meeting about these fascinating stellar 
explosions, including all the recent advances from both the theoretical and 
the observational points of view. The aim of the conference is to address the 
current knowledge, outstanding problems and future perspectives in the field 

The topics to be covered include:

.  Scenario: properties of WDs in CVs (mass, accretion rate, luminosity), 
             pre-nova evolution (CO vs. ONe WDs), novae between outbursts  
             (re-establishment of accretion disk after explosion, 
             Relationship with other eruptive variables, specially
             recurrent novae.
.  Nova distribution and statistics: novae distribution in our Galaxy, 
                                     Galactic nova rates,
                                     observations of novae in other galaxies, 
                                     novae as distance indicators...
                                     Nova discoveries: amateurs, robotic 
.  Explosion mechanism
   and mass loss:      TNR, mixing mechanisms (during and after accretion 
                       stage), convection, multidimensional calculations. 
                       Nucleosynthesis, relevant nuclear reaction rates and 
                       their uncertainties... 
                       Mass loss: shock and/or wind-driven mass loss,
                       velocity profiles in the ejecta, dust formation, 
                       young nova shells. 
		       Impact of novae on the chemical evolution of the Galaxy.
                       Multi-cycle evolution. 
.  Light curves and spectra (theory): Light curve models (constant bolometric 
                                      luminosity phase, Eddington and 
                                      super-Eddington luminosities...).
                                      Models of nova atmospheres, 
                                      photoionization of nova shells.
.  Spectroscopic and photometric observations: spectral classification of 
                              novae, radio, IR, optical, UV and high energy 
                              (X and gamma) observations. 
                              Abundance, mass, velocity determinations.
                              Distance determination.
.  Old novae shells and remnants: imaging and spectroscopy, shape and 


The scientific programme will include a series of invited review talks (30 
min.), as well as contributed talks (20 min.) and posters. A substantial 
amount of time for viewing and discussing the posters, as well as for 
general discussion, will be available. We plan to publish all the 
contributions, with the same length for contributed talks and posters.

The preliminary list of invited speakers is:

Brian Warner,     Pierluigi Selvelli,   Jim MacDonald*, 
Allen Shafter,    Massimo Della Valle,  Sumner Starrfield, 
Jordi Jose,       Ami Glasner,          Dina Prialnik, 
Peter Hauschildt, Bob Williams*,        Steve Shore, 
Bob Gehrz,        Joachim Krautter,     Margarita Hernanz, 
Mike Bode,        Jim Truran

(* to be confirmed)


Sitges is a delightful village on the Mediterranean coast, about 35 km 
south of the city of Barcelona (or 20 km from the 'El Prat' Barcelona
International Airport), famous as a tourist preferred destination 
because of its 4 km of beaches, charming architecture and excellent 
restaurants. Sitges is well communicated both with Barcelona city and the 
airport, through train, buses and taxis. Detailed maps and information
regarding several ways to reach Sitges will be provided in the Second

Conference and accommodation will take place at Hotel Antemare, a 4-star
charming hotel, suited for Conference venues, equipped with additional
facilities (swimming pools, fitness centre...; hotel WEB page: 
http://www.antemare.com). Since Sitges can be very crowded already in May, 
we have booked in advance a number of rooms in Hotel Antemare. Special rates 
have been arranged for conference attendees. To guarantee the hotel 
reservation, a deposit corresponding to one night's room rate will be 
requested by February 1, 2002 (details will be provided in the Second 


In order to help the organization, we ask you to fill in and submit the 
accompanying registration form, before NOVEMBER 1, 2001. The data from
these forms will be used to elaborate a preliminary programme and to arrange 
accommodations. We encourage you to send it as soon as possible, since we 
plan to have a limited number of participants. 

Details about preliminary programme, payment of the registration fee and 
hotel reservation will be provided in the Second announcement (next December). 

Please distribute this announcement to your colleagues.

We are looking forward to your participation.  

                 Margarida Hernanz and Jordi Jose

                  on behalf of the SOC and LOC


M. Bode,     A. Cassatella,      H. Duerbeck,        M. Friedjung, 
B. Gehrz,    M. Hernanz (Chair), J. Jose (co-chair), M. Kato,     
J. Krautter, D. Prialnik,        G. Shaviv,          S. Starrfield,
J. Truran,   B. Warner 


M. Hernanz (IEEC-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain) 
J. Jose (IEEC-UPC, Barcelona, Spain) 
J. Isern (IEEC-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain)
J. Guerrero (IEEC, Barcelona, Spain)


* First announcement: July 31, 2001

* Deadline for submission of the registration form: November 1, 2001

* Second announcement (including details about registration fee, hotel 
  payment ...): December 2001 

* Third and final announcement: April 2002


                               REGISTRATION FORM  
                           INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE
                           CLASSICAL NOVA EXPLOSIONS 
                           Sitges (Barcelona), Spain
                                 20-24 May 2002
  Submission deadline: NOVEMBER 1, 2001

            I plan to attend the Conference on Classical Nova Explosions

  Full Name (Last name, First name).........................................
  Postal Address............................................................

  Do you wish to present a contribution? (yes/no)...........................
  Please, provide a tentative title.........................................

  Abstract (max. 150 words):

  Number of accompanying persons............................................

  Number of rooms requested at Hotel Antemare: single.......................

  Expected arrival date (Hotel Antemare)....................................
  Expected departure date (Hotel Antemare)..................................
  Additional comments.......................................................


   Please, fill the form and send it by email to novaconf@ieec.fcr.es 
   or alternatively through the conference WEB page: 


    Classical Nova Explosions Conference
    Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya
    C/ Gran Capita 2-4, 
    E-08034 Barcelona

    E-mail: novaconf@ieec.fcr.es
    FAX: 34-93 280 63 95


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