Dear all, continue my search on images taken at 2001/07/18.85 UT. This time I found an object most likely a variable star or nova star. Located at position AR 18 52 53.557 Decl. +33 39 16.24 m1~12.509/1.01 using Astroart and USNO A2 Catalog is visible in 3 images taken at the time 2001/07/18 from 21:47:07 to21:59:15 Local Time with a 200 mm lens on a 35 mm film Kodak Ultra 400 ISO, 4 minutes exposure. At the position of the object the USNO A2 catalog not report stars. On the DSS II generation (95% red) are not visible stars. Close to the position there are two stars at coordinates: USNO A2 18 52 54.965 +33 39 04.14 m1=18.00/0.25 USNO A2 18 52 52.750 +33 39 03.10 m1=18.30/0.25 I Have posted the images at my web page Note: My Megastar program not show asteroids know presents in the field at the time. Regards, Toni Scarmato