Dear colleagues, I'm conducting a CCD photometry session on CP Dra, using the 0.35-m f/6.3 telescope at CBA Belgium Observatory [2001, February 24/25]. FITS images are acquired with an ST-7 CCD camera without filters, and are instanteneously processed and reduced (aperture photometry). After 2.5 hours of working, the resulting real-time light curve already clearly shows the presence of a 0.31 mag modulation, to be attributed to superhumps. A first rough estimate of the superhump period yields a value of 0.0687 +- 0.0007 d. The above observations thus establish CP Dra as a new member of the UGSU type of cataclysmic variables ! Further high-speed photometry is highly recommended, to settle the precise superhump period value. Support from other observatories would be highly appreciated. Best regards, Tonny Vanmunster CBA Belgium Observatory