Dear all, With Bisei image, I could get more accurate position of probable nova in Aquila = the recurrence of CI Aql (Nova Aql 1917). I reported to CBAT as below. ---- PROBABLE NOVA IN AQUILA = the recurrence of CI Aql H. Yamaoka, Kyushu University, reports the accurate position of the probable nova in Aquila (IAUC 7409), measured with the unfiltered CCD image taken with Bisei 1.01-m telescope by K. Ayani, Bisei Astronomical Observatory, and K. Shirakami, Okayama, Japan, as R.A. = 18h52m03s.55, Decl. = -01o28'38".9 (equinox 2000.0, uncertainty around 0".2). This position is nearly identical to that of the eclipsing binary, which was proposed to be the quiescent counterpart of the suspected nova 1917 (IBVS 4338 and Duerbeck 1987, SSR, 45, 1). It is strongly suggested that the suspected Nova Aql 1917 = CI Aql was real and the ongoing eruption is the recurrence of it. Sincerely Yours, Hitoshi Yamaoka, Kyushu Univ., Japan