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[vsnet-alert 3058] SS Cyg rising

SS Cyg rising

  G. Comello and R. J. Bouma reports the brightnening of SS Cyg.  The
intermediate brightness may suggest a beginning of another anomalous

  YYMMDD(UT)   mag  observer
  990526.049   117  (G. Poyner)
  990526.949   114  (R. J. Bouma)
  990526.958   119  (G. Comello)
  990526.994   115  (E. Muyllaert)
  990527.076   119  (G. Poyner)
  990527.102   116  (M. Biesmans)
  990527.383   114  (R. J. Modic)
  990527.928   114  (E. Muyllaert)
  990527.931   115  (R. J. Bouma)
  990527.958   119  (G. Comello)
  990528.376   114  (R. J. Modic)
  990528.897   114  (G. Comello)
  990528.917   114  (R. J. Bouma)
  990528.985   115  (E. Muyllaert)
  990531.912   109  (G. Comello)
  990531.919   105  (R. J. Bouma)

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